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Chapter 83

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Nicky disappeared back into her room and quickly came out with a bobby pin. Jess tried to peer past me. With a sigh, I went into the hall so she could come out of her room.

"I was wondering where you got to," I told Nicky. "Nicky, this is my sister, Jess. Jess, this is my somewhat crazy friend, Nicky. Never let her have coffee."

"Hello," Jess said.

"Nice to meet you," Nicky replied with a big grin as she made a beeline for my door. "I'll unlock this for you. It's been a while since I've been inside, and I'm curious to see if she's changed anything."

With the precision of a surgeon and the speed of a hummingbird, the redhead used the innocent hair accessory to commit another break-and-enter felony. Nicky disappeared inside, which made me frown. That was my room. Not hers.

Nightstalkers normally didn't tolerate others in our caves or dens, and I had to remind myself this place was set up more like a hotel. Besides, I had just said Nicky was my friend. Still, reason didn't make it any easier to permit the intrusion.

"Nope." Nicky's voice came out of my room. "Almost nothing has changed. She hung one picture. That's it. She hasn't even dusted."

"Get your ass out of there," I told her, walking over to glower at the unwelcome intruder.

The redhead skipped out, cheerfully informing Jess, "Nightstalkers can get a bit territorial. I'll distract her while you take a peek."

Jess glanced between me and Nicky, unsure of what to think.

"You can take a look," I huffed. "It isn't anything special."

Still dubious, she went inside and looked around. The plain room didn't even give her eyes anything to linger on. Other than a large poster of the forest and a thick rug to muffle my footsteps, I hadn't added anything to my room. I only spent a few hours a day in here, and during those times, I was usually resting or sleeping.

Jess took a few steps to the side. "This is a nice drawing of a horse."

"Nicky colored it for me."

"I really wanted to do it in dark blues and purples," Nicky commented, "but Trinity likes things realistic. Took all the creativity out of it."

"It looks beautiful," Jess told her, coming out of my room. "Uh, where's the bathroom? It's been a long time since our last pit stop."

"The last door on the right." I pointed toward the stairwell.

"Thanks. I'll be right back." She scurried to the proper door and disappeared inside, locking it behind her. I closed my bedroom door to keep out any additional visitors and a certain redhead who might be tempted to wander back in.

"So, that's your sister?"


Nicky grinned at me. "I like her. We could have lots of fun together."

I raised an eyebrow. "Don't get her into too much trouble."

"I like how you say 'too much.'"

Jess wasn't the type to let people drag her into bad situations, so that wasn't high on my list of worries. "Let her settle in for a week or so. In the meantime, is there anything in that magpie nest of yours we can tie onto her doorknob so she remembers which one is hers?"

"Hmmm... Let me go look." Nicky meandered into her bedroom.

I followed and stood in her doorway so I could veto any bad ideas before they passed the threshold. Her room hadn't gotten any tidier. I could have possibly hidden a deer under some of the piles without her noticing right away.

The Virus Within: The Road Ahead (Book 1 - SERIES COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now