Part 6

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The mood was solemn as the priest put the crown on my head. Stepping back, he bowed as he lowered to his knee.

"Long live Queen Caliphe of Thistlewood."

The priest stood, offering a sympathetic smile.

"You will do your father proud, I am certain of it."

"Thank you."

As he walked away, I stood and put the crown on the throne. I wandered to the window, gazing out to the beautiful kingdom that was now mine. In the near distance, the water glistened in the afternoon sun. I would do everything that I could to protect the land, to keep the people safe.

It had been a trying day, one that I didn't want to relive, ever. I wanted today to be over, I'd had enough of it.

Hearing a commotion, I stretched over the brick sill of the window and saw a vile and familiar sight. With an angry growl, I stomped my way out of the castle. Dry dirt kicked up as I thumped my way to the arrogant prince that had somehow managed to get through the gate.

"Greetings, your highness. My deepest condolences on your father's passing. I have come here personally rather than sending a herald, I thought that it would be more appropriate."

"Get out of my kingdom, you are not welcome."

Drewyn smiled smugly, looking like he didn't care.

"I am queen now, and I could have you locked away for your actions."

"An act of war so soon into your reign? My, you are a feisty one. I look forward to our wedding night, tonight."

I sneered, feeling the anger burning inside of me. He had no morals, that was obvious, but like a lot of royalty, he thought that he was above everyone else, especially the little woman. I was just another conquest, with me subdued he would consume this kingdom in the name of his father's sovereignty and rule in a way that was contrary to what my father wanted.

"I am not marrying you. You are still yet to be punished for your heinous act against an innocent dragon."

"Innocent?" He said, laughing hard.

Grabbing his ear, I pulled him to Sapphire. The dragon saw him and let out a mighty roar. Jade and Ruby moved closer, almost surrounding us.

"They are intelligent creatures, and I will show you that. Get on the dragon."

"Are you mad woman?"

Twisting his ear, he caved his body while complaining. With a whistle, Sapphire was subdued, bowing his head and lowering his body.

"Do you see that? He is ready to take you on his back. Let's go."

"What?" He snapped.

Dragging him up, I whistled again, and Sapphire began to lift. Drewyn began to scream that he was going to fall which was entirely possible. I certainly wanted to let go.

"We are going to talk about the future," I yelled over the heavy wind.

Drewyn scrambled onto the dragon's back, holding onto the reign tightly.

"You are not taking my kingdom, is that clear?"

Fear filled him as he nodded, his gaze down to the trees below us. His head turned, but those eyes still lingered to the large drop.

"How can you stand being up here?" His voice quivered.

"It's beautiful. Isn't this dragon amazing? He let you on his back because I asked him to. Make no mistake, he knows exactly who you are. You are the man that murdered his mother. He hates you, yet he has forgiven you. I hate you, but I cannot live in a world of hatred, so I am moving forward. This where we discuss how you are going to stay in your kingdom and you, your family or anyone under the royal command is not going to advance on my kingdom. There will be no marriage, no war, no death. If I see you again, I'm going to drag you up here, and there won't be a pleasant landing, I'll drop you from this height. Agreed?"

I held out my hand, the prince reluctantly shook it. As he pulled me forward, I squeaked with shock. Drewyn imposed himself upon me, pressing his lips to mine. It was a brash move, it wasn't welcomed either.

Pulling away from him, I glowered, wiping my lips.

"You have the audacity to take without permission?"

He tilted his head with a smirk, shrugging as if nothing had changed.

"Alright. If you can take without permission, I can push without it as well."

With a wicked grin, I pushed the prince off Sapphire's back. He screamed as he plummeted through the air, only to be caught in a net between Ruby and Jade. Pulling on the reigns, I turned Sapphire and brought him up to the captain. His acceptance of the dragons was remarkable, he'd wholeheartedly embraced them and was riding them, looking like he'd spent his entire life on the back of a dragon.

"Milady, what shall we do with this fiend?"

"We shall return him to his father, and we shall do it now."

The dragons made short work of the trip to Ruwena, hovering over the castle courtyard. I wasn't prepared to make them land with so much danger running toward them.

"Keep them at this level," I yelled to the captain and the soldier on Jade's back. "And turn the reigns to move them to the right as I whistle."

They were unsure as to what I had planned but nodded anyway. With the right whistles, my beloved babies unloaded their bowels. I knew that they hadn't been since late last night considering that it was hard to miss dragon dung times three.

And yes, my little darlings could do this on command. It was necessary considering the protected area was only small. Every day I would take them for a walk in the forest and using the whistle commands, they learned easily.

"I think that we can let him go at this height, there is enough mess on the ground to soften his fall."

"What?" Drewyn shrieked.

"This is a lesson for you and revenge for me. Stay away from my kingdom or I will come back and next time, it will be far worse. Let him go!"

The captain cut the rope and Drewyn plummeted to the ground, screaming the entire way. He hit the ground, brown mess slopping around him. It was enough of a distraction that the advancing soldiers now stopped in revulsion.

With another whistle, Ruby and Jade turned, flying high into the clouds. Not done with my moment of glory, I stood on Sapphire's back, still holding the reign.

"For the honour of my father," I called out proudly. "For the honour of my people and the kingdom of Thistlewood and more importantly for the slain dragon, I declare that you, Prince Drewyn of Ruwena are nothing but a dragon turd."

Whistling a series of commands, I watched with a triumphant smile as Sapphire turned and dropped another steamer on Drewyn and began to ascend into the sky.

I sat down and hugged him as best as I could.

"Oh, my little darling. That was incredible. You were brilliant. So brave and you didn't chomp him down when I know that you wanted to."

Sapphire let out a little purr noise, I sighed, feeling the happiest that I could be.

Revenge was sweet, best served steaming and stinky.

**The End**

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