The Icaria Poltergeist

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The small flat located in West Haven district of Gabriel's Gardens was filled with a nice smell of freshly bought bakery products. Alexis Warren was sitting at the wooden table, chewing on a crispy bun with jam. She was able to do the basic household chores, buy groceries in a small store near their flat and prepare today's lunch - all while her sister was still asleep.

Finally she heard some noises coming from Diane's room. Soon after, the door opened and Diane Warren entered the living room. The girl's dark brown hair was still messy. She was wearing an old, oversized T-shirt with the Iron Maiden logo and gray cotton shorts barely covering her thighs.

"Mornin', sis," she said, and yawned.

"Morning?" Alexis grunted in disbelief. "It's eleven."

Diane shrugged her shoulders. "I just need my beauty sleep, okay?" she stated. "Looking at you, I think that you could use some, too."

Alexis sighed. She was already used to her sister's sassy remarks about her. Alexis wasn't ugly at all, but it was more comfortable for her to show her beauty in a more modest way - her dirty blonde hair was usually tied into a practical ponytail and her daily outfit consisted of blouses and black pants.

Diane couldn't be more different. Her negligent, yet dashing beauty immediately caught many eyes of the male audience. Her long hair was usually messy and her wardrobe was full of rock band shirts, cropped tops, shorts and ripped jeans. Everything was crowned with lively green eyes and confident smile.

Diane grabbed a croissant and took a bite. "Do we have any new business?" she said through her mouthful.

"No," Alexis replied. "It seems that the paranormal world is pretty quiet lately."

"No good. I'm almost broke."

"That's because you can't save anything!"

"Look at yourself, sis," Diane said. "You have lotsa cash in your piggybank, but you can't enjoy it properly. The same 'Secretary in training' look every day. No interest in social events. Well, I probably can't cure you from your horrible uptightness, but you can help me out by lending me some dinero."

Alexis sighed again and adjusted her glasses covering kind, storm-gray eyes. "Why don't you follow that song by The Offspring? Na na, why don't you get a job?"

"But we have a job, sis."

"Nobody wants it and that's pretty much as good as nothing."

The sisters continued eating their breakfast until the doorbell rang. Diane stood up, rushed into the hall and opened the door. She discovered a slim, dark-haired woman in her forties. Her eyes gave away her exhaustion and tiredness. "Good morning. I'm looking for Warren Sisters Paranormal Investigation."

Diane looked at the door - there was a sign with exactly these words written on it. "Then you came into the right neighborhood," she smiled. "I'm Diane Warren. How can I help you?"

The woman looked at the messy, barefoot girl in metal band T-shirt and shorts with unhidden disappointment. "Is this some kind of joke?" she asked.

"Joke? Why?" Diane frowned.

"I expected someone... older... looking more... professional," the woman was choosing words carefully. "I really wasn't expecting a teenage girl."

"Dear lady, we are professionals," Diane said. "We've already solved many cases and we take reasonable money for it. Our youth doesn't mean inexperience."

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