13. Surprises

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The room was quiet. So quiet, that apart of the frantic beating of my own heart and the ticking of an old clock on the wall there were no sounds at all. There I was, kneeling on the floor in front of a sofa with a bloody werewolf I just treated, Doc Evans on a chair nearby, but right in front of me, behind a sofa, stood the hugest man I have ever seen. He was taller than Jonathan, broader, but had the same intense gaze, that seemed to see straight through you with those deep dark green eyes. And these eyes were staring right at me. At that moment in time the only thought that plagued my mind was - this is the end, I am going to die. The big bad wolf is going to chop my head off and chew on my intestines. Yeah, a troubled mind, I know, but what can you expect? I am a human in a world of supernatural creatures, I did realize, that I didn't really have a place there, among the wolves. Eventually each of them would find their mates and me and my unborn kid would be outsiders for the rest of our life's. that is if they decided not to chew my head off... There was his aura of power surrounding him, I felt as a small and comparing to that giant, physically and concerning my significance as a human being.

With great effort I managed to turn my gaze from those untrusting eyes and sneak a peak around the room. Andrew still had his brows furrowed, hands crossed on his chest, carelessly leaning against the wall. Near the entrance was the other guy, the blond one. He also had his hands crossed, but he looked less relaxed, more like he was guarding the exit from the room, as if I would suddenly try escaping. Bha, ain't that funny? I can barely walk, how in the world would I outrun a wolf?

All in all the atmosphere in the room was as tense as it could be, only doc Evans seemed unphased by everything. I even detected a hint of humor in his eyes. One of my eyebrows rose in response to that, and that was when he decided to speak up.

"Nathan, you are just in time. As you can see me and my dear friend and a talented vet Emily just finished patching up your warriors, I think a thank you would be in order?"

A breath in my throat hitched, I decided, that that was the end, doc had successfully provoked an Alpha wolf...

Much to my surprise Nathan started laughing.

"I see you've gained some sense of humor along with the years, doc?"

His voice was deep and rich, just like Jonathan's, he seemed more relaxed now and I realized that that was doc's plan all along, that sneaky old man.

"I guess you can say so." Replied doc. "Now please help Emily get up, and be gentle, she's pregnant, you know."

Nathan extended his hand in my direction without a single word. I accepted the help hesitantly, still a bit tense, because, well, you know... his hand was huge and warm, he pulled me up with no effort on his side and passed me my cane and then helped me to an armchair near the sofa. 

"Thank you", I said quietly.

He just kept staring at me with his deep piercing eyes, as if trying to read me and... smell me? Damn, it's the second time someone tried to smell me. I felt self conscious, that was so weird, because, well, who in their right mind was used to were's smelling them? 

Soon he let go of my hand and went to sit into another chair, then put his elbows on his knees and palms together in front of his mouth. His facial expression thoughtful. 

"So, Emily." he started. "You're the famous human that lives with my parents?"

"Uhm... Yeah.. I guess..." I mumbled.

"You do realize, why you are famous?" He continued. What could I answer him? The only thing I understood in this crazy and unbelievable situation I was in.

"I do, I think..." I said with very little confidence in my words. My palms were getting sweaty and I tried to hide it by putting them in between my knees. It was obvious I was scared of all the people in the room, but I had to have some dignity.

"But you don't need to worry. Your secret is safe with me." I vowed. 

"Good." he said.

Everyone was still staring at me. 

"So, you're a vet?" he continued with his questioning.

"Well, I... uhm... almost..." I started fidgeting in my seat. My unease level was rising by the minute. 

"Almost?" he rose a brow. 

"Yeah, well, I haven't graduated yet, but I'm having my finals pretty soon and, yeah..."

"Nathan, stop torturing the girl, would you?" doc Evans chimed in. He still looked relaxed, even bored. "Where are your manners?"

My eyes bulged. Was I missing something? How come doc was so frivolous with the Alpha? I need to torture Lena for some more insights on this whole were world...

But much to my surprise Nathan smiled widely and clapped his palms on his knees and said, pretty cheerfully, I must add: "Indeed! Would you like some tea?"

And with that we moved from the battered bodies to the kitchen to have what I hoped would be a civil conversation. 

* * *

All in all the conversation was indeed civil. We have spent a couple of hours drinking tea and chatting. Well, more like I was answering different questions, but nothing deep, Nathan kept our chat light, like why I decided to become a vet, do I know the gender of my child, how far along I am, baby names, blah blah blah. Honestly, I would expect most of the questions to come from Nathans wife, but since she was nowhere to be seen, he was the one acting like a girl. I felt more and more at ease. Hope blossomed in me, I thought that maybe it means that I will be accepted into the pack and could have a care free future here? One can only hope. 

Soon Nathan pronounced, that it was time to go. Doc Evans was going to drive me to the B&B, Nathan and Andrew, who I discovered was Nathan's Beta, would follow, because they wanted to talk about something with Jonathan and Shirley. Doc was a true gentleman and helped me to the car, because of all the activities my leg was acting up. We were on the road in no time and arrived to the B&B. I think that Nathan has somehow warned his parents about our arrival, because as we approached the house not only Jonathan and Shirley, but also Hannah, Seamus, Simon and Lena were already waiting for us on the porch. 

"Doc?" I turned to doc Evans, my eyes open wide in fright. This didn't look good at all. Why were they here? Was I mistaken when I hoped that since Nathan was so polite with me, then everything would be fine? Did he play me? Questions filled my troubled mind and my hands started shaking. 

"Calm down, child." doc stated calmly. "Everything is fine."

I wish I had his confidence. I was afraid nothing was fine. Ever again. They would kick me out or kill. Two options only. 

The car stopped near the house and Lena was instantly there to help me get out of the truck. Casting me a reassuring smile she gently squeezed my hand and led me into the house. Everyone followed. We settled in Shirley's sanctuary - the kitchen. Thankfully the table was huge enough to fit all of us. We all sat, except for Nathan and Jonathan. The relaxed mask Nathan carried before has vanished, his face as serious as it could be. 

"So." he started. "When were you going to tell me that your new friend here is carrying a were child?"

That was when my world stopped. 

Well how about that? Surprise-surprise! What do you think? 

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