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I woke up in instinct I reached for my curls. I ran my fingers through my hair a couple times before realizing I wasn't at the Garage.

"The hell?"I asked as I got up off the floor.

"Oh you're awake"Somebody said.

"Yeah dick-wad. Where the hell am I?"I spat.

"Come on Monte all you have to do is love me and I'll let you out of the cage."He said coming into the light.

Zo crazy ass did this?!

Fuck wrong with him?

He got some down right demons!

"Hell no Zolan you on that Coraline other mother shit"I fired back.

"Come on baby don't be like that!"He stamped his foot being over dramatic.

"Okay one: We are in no fucking relationships. I wouldn't even take a day to think about being with you. With yo crazy ass! Two: Being like what? You crazy as shit! Fuck wrong with yo' ass kidnapping somebody cause they don't love you?! Fuck out my face. And Three:I can see why Amir dumped your ass. He made a good ass move. If a burglar saw yo ass they'd give you their stuff. Creepy ass bitch"I fired his ass up.

"Good job Bon-Bon you've lost your breakfast!"Zo said before stomp up the stairs like the crazy brat he is.

I sighed angrily as I paced back and forth around the room. I need to get out of here.

Seans POV

"So you're telling me that Monte is just gone?!"I practically yell at Cameo and Rora.

Cameo nods.

"That can't be right. He would've texted one of us right?!"I panicked as I paced around the room.

"I ain't sure."Cameo said his eyes showing he was just as worried as I was.

"I know he would try to wake us up first. And if we didn't budge he'd leave a note"Rora butted in the conversation.

Cameo nodded in agreement.

"So is there a note?"I asked.

Aurora nodded.

Before showing me the note.

You guys didn't wake up when I left.
But I'm okay. I had some errands to take care of. I'll probably be back in
a weeks tops.

I stared at the letter.

"This is fake!"I convinced myself.

"No it's not. That's exactly Montes handwriting."Aurora argued.

I shoved the note in my pocket before storming out of the garage.

I opened my car door and got in.

He couldn't have just left us.

Montes POV

"Here! I changed my mind on breakfast! I could never ever stay mad at my baby"Zolan said sliding a plate of food over to me.

"We're not fucking dating! Let alone friends. You annoying as piece of shit!"I spat at the crazy boy before me. He doesn't deserve to be called a man.

"I shoulda chained you up"Zolan scrunched up his nose in disapproval as he walked back upstairs.

I flipped him off.

I looked over at the plate.

He got me a blueberry muffin, orange juice, eggs,bacon,water tooth paste,and tooth brush.

I ate all that shit before brushing my teeth. Being in captivity is tiring.

When I was done I once again got up and tried to look for a way out of here.

Hopefully my niggas tryna find me.

Zolans Crazy Ass

Monte needs to realize we were meant to be. I killed my boyfriend just to be with somebody like Monte. He needs to love me. That's all he needs to do.

Somebody knocked on the door.

I looked out the window and found Amir my other ex. I cheated on him but a lie would never hurt anyone. Well not me that is. I giggle at my own joke.

I backed away from the window and continued back up to my office.

Nobody would suspect Monte in my home because I have a mansion. And nobody knows I have a basement.

So suck a wiener Bitches.

See the thing is I am gay but I love me some lady parts. If that's easy way to put it. I kidnapped many boys that gave vaginas. They didn't want me and So splat they went.

Monte is just the cherry on top that is if he doesn't want to die.

I got onto my computer. Looking at the cameras. He was doing nothing. He ate and that was it he was just pacing around.

Smiling at to myself I thought one very thing.

You will be mine.

So Monte has been kidnapped by Mr.CrazyAss Zolan and Supreme is the only one to know something is wrong.

Maybe he'll find some clues?

Who knows!

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