Chapter 6: Bailey

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The thirty minutes ended as the wooden chair Mrs. Conrad was sitting on screeched across the floor. Everyone kept their eyes locked on their paper, to scared to look at their teacher except for Bailey.

Bailey's eyes followed her as she walked to the front of the classroom preparing to address the class. It was common for their teacher to take a stand at the front of the class making sure she could see everyone of her students, nothing ever got past her.

"Alright everyone pencils down."

Dropping his pencil sarcastically he hoped to get a slight laugh or even a smile from Bailey, but as the pencil hit his notebook he looked up at Bailey, who was now leaning her head in her hand focusing on what Mrs. Conrad had to say.

He couldn't stop staring at her as he saw a slight small slowly inch it's way across her face, but disappeared just as quickly as it showed up. A feeling of accomplishment filled Brett as he ignorantly believed that he was the one that got her to smile.

"Well everyone it's time to begin the second half of the assignment."

Short but direct, the instructions were clear as day as Mrs. Conrad headed back to her desk. Bailey's head rotated in her hand looking back down at the drawing on the notebook that she had been working so hard on.

She still hadn't said a word to Brett, before she became fully distracted again he had to break the ice between them, but he wasn't very good at it.

"Soooooo...what did you think about that assignment?"

His voice was stuttering as the words came out, but she must of had an opinion as she raised her head and stared directly in to his eyes. This was the first time her face was completely visible to him. Her hair continued to fall across her face until her silver eyes were captivating him. She had a subtle amount of freckles across her nose, and her cheeks were red. She was beautiful.

"Well I think-" Something caught Bailey off guard as she gave Brett a smirk, not yet willing to give him the satisfaction she leaned forward, her head hovering over the desk. "I think that you should've sat beside me because it'd be easier to talk."


Brett was taken off guard by Bailey's comment as he grabbed his bag. In front of him Bailey slid the chair out beside her inconspicuously with her foot and gestured to Brett to take it. Seeing as he had no other choice he slid the notebooks over the table tops and then slide his back pack underneath the desk.

She had everything of his now as he looked over at the two boys across the room. They must have found something entertaining about the situation as they both looked at him waiting to see how it played out. However Brett didn't have time to think about them as he quietly slid back in his seat and stood up, briskly walking to the other side and taking the seat next to Bailey.

"So what did you think of the assignment?"

He persisted in getting an answer but Bailey had another conversation already in mind.

"I noticed you looking at me."

"Okay I see we're not going to be answering my question."

Closing up his notebook he turned to look at Bailey, the light hitting her perfectly once again, as he was in awe. Trying his best to hide it he felt that Bailey saw through him but didn't call him out, instead leaning her head over barely floating above his shoulder.

"Honestly between you and me, I don't have anything so stop asking."

Bailey whispered into his ear, Her warm breath hitting his ear sent tingles though his body as she slowly pulled her head away from his.

"Yea I kinda figured."

Now staring into the girls shimmering grey eyes, he was lost in trance as his sentence played through his mind hoping he didn't offend her in anyway. On the other hand though Bailey returned the stare, as she examined Brett's blue eyes.

"So again why were you looking at me? Did Trent put you up to this?"

Her question had a bit more hostility laced in to the tone the second time around.

"No not at all, I just noticed you were drawing and I wasn't sure if you were doing the assignment or not."


His voice was hesitant, as he tried to remain on the girls good side. Her eyes lit up looking a bit surprised at Brett's comment before looking back down at her notebook. What did she mean by did Trent put me up to this, He thought now assuming that the two had a history together.

A deep sigh comes from beside him as she slides her notebook over to Brett. Looking down at the drawing in the book, he realized that the doodle she was drawing was actually a portrait of himself that was almost life like.

"Wow, you're pretty good."

"Yea I guess maybe, you just have a nice face"

Brett took another look at the drawing as Bailey turned her head to the side acting embarrassed by the picture. He wasn't really sure how to respond to the compliment except with a confused thank you, that any typical teenage boy would give.

Around the room the bell rang ending the class as Bailey began packing up quickly the last thing she grabbed was the notebook. At the front of the room Mrs. Conrad was waiting to make her final address.

"Alright class we'll briefly discuss this tomorrow before moving on. Have a good day everyone."

Their warden began to head back to her desk as Brett began to pack up his bag slowly not paying much attention to Bailey, and before he knew it he felt her brush against his shoulder. Looking at where she once was just a moment ago, she had vanished and was now heading out the door of the classroom.

His gaze never left her as she turned around the corner entering the hallway. He continued to stare at the door for a few seconds after, wishing to see her come back but she never did.

"Goodbye I guess."

Brett murmured to himself as he finished up packing his bag full of stuff and headed for the door himself. Behind him, Mrs. Conrad had seen the whole situation play out, as she now had her own questions about what was going on between her two students.

Blind Beauty (Currently Editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن