jealous hearts and new faces

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Who was he and why was he holding his wife intimately and why the fuck was she giggling ?she never does that with him.Then again he was still a complete stranger "a sperm donor"as she had said.

Earlier while he was busy with his family ,this annoying man had strut in without even knocking and his Addy had neglected whatever she was doing and practically jumped on the guy as if her life depends on it.And now they were both oblivious to him as if he was invincible while they conversed intimately.

His son had the same expression on his face as his mom was occupied by someone else."I don't like him too."Alexis chuckled as he watched his little boy frown at the stranger.

"And who might this be?"The blond guy pointed at him as if he was a pest.

"Her husband."Alexis glared at the man not even intending to correct his 'mistake'

"He is Thomas's father."Addy rolled her eyes at him as he glared back.She didn't correct him,he smiled proudly at his marked territory.

"Oh OK.So are you available later?"The blond rudely ignored Alexis which seemed to infuriate him more.

"She is not free ."Alexis went over to Addy with Thomas on his hip and both the boys glared at the blond guy.

"Alexis!"Addy warned as he sensed his foul mood.He didn't need him to go all cowboy on her newly found relative.

"Look here you annoying selfish prick that abandoned my little cousin to go fuck some plastic dolled bitch!! I'm taking her out and you're gonna babysit that little bundle of joy."Addy watched in amazement at Alexis who seemed apologetic at his wrong doings being blatantly told by a stranger.

"That is not any of your business and if you two want to leave go right ahead.'' Addy looked between the two men wondering what to do with the whole tension .She was happy that Alexis was jealous but right now all she needs is Adrian's help with the whole Bridget thing.

"Alexis I'm just going to be gone for 30 minutes then I'll come back ."She touched his arm and for the first time his eyes were glued to her and only her.

"30 minutes only right?"he took hold of her hands and stared at her as if she was leaving for ever.

"For god sake you two!! We are going across the street not to the moon."Adrian added annoyed at the two of them.How childish could they get?

"Come back soon Addy."Alexis didn't know why his heart felt like it was losing something as Addy left the house.

"it's just across the street ,nothing will happen to her."He comforted himself as he had a really bad feeling that something tragic was gonna happen.


"Addy what's wrong?"Adrian was surprised that these two had connected so well in just a few weeks.It must be true love he concluded.

"I just feel like I won't be able to see him again,"She looked back at her house.

"You really love him.Look we are almost there ,nothing bad is gonna happ....."Adrian knew he spoke too soon as a man in a motorcycle shot Addy right on her chest and drove off leaving behind a bloody Adrian who did his best to stop the blood flow while waiting for the ambulance.

Back at home Alexis couldn't help his heart ache and Thomas kept being irritable and mumbling "mama".Without wasting his time Alexis called her and after a few minutes Adrian picked up and demanded he rush to the hospital as soon as possible.

Alexis was a mess ,he kept blaming himself that if only he had stopped her from leaving with Adrian ,Why would anyone try to kill his Addy?Is she going to be okay ?But one thing was for sure ...who ever did this is gonna pay big time.

"How is she?Is she OK?"Alexis let the tears fall as he grabbed a nervous Adrian who thought the man was gonna murder him

"She is still in surgery but the doctors said she lost a lot of blood so ..."

"She is gonna be fine."Alexis kept mumbling like a mad man.He couldn't lose her again .He knew now that he felt something for her.

"Where is Thomas?"Adrian questioned the distraught man sitting next to him.

"With my sister.Did you see the guy that did this?"

Before Adrian could answer a doctor came out of the operation room.

"I'm sorry sir but your wife has........''

Thanks for reading !!!

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