Chapter 4

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I woke up to Gorgi licking my face like crazy.

"Hey Gorgi! Stop it!" I laughed.

I sat up. I got out of bed and headed to my dresser. I took out a white V-neck tee shirt and black sweatpants. I walked out of my room and into the kitchen with Gorgi following right behind me like he always does. There was a note on the stove. It was from Jayden. I picked it up and unfolded it.

This is what he wrote:

Naomi, I've early because I got to catch up on some schoolwork. There should be a box of cereal in the pantry. My friend Brice might be coming over again today because we are working on a project together. This time I'll make sure he knows it's clear to not come disturb you. Oh, and I think today is when dad's letter is suppose to here. So when you check the mail make sure you keep your eyes peeled for that letter.

Your best brother in the world, Jayden

I laid the letter on the counter and walked into the pantry. I grabbed the cereal and placed it on the counter. I went to the fridge and grabbed the and then I walked to the cabinets to grab a bowl. I made my cereal and sat down. As I was sitting and eating my breakfast I noticed something. A piece of paper. It looked like it was shoved in between the seat cushions. I stood up and walked to the my greenish-grayish couch.

I went in between the cushion and pulled out the paper. I looked like there was an E-mail on it. I then realized it was Brice's E-mail. I couldn't believe it. Right here in my hands was the key to getting Brice to know me better without having to talk to him. It was perfect.

I quickly ran to my bedroom with Gorgi chasing after me. I grabbed my laptop and quickly went onto my E-mail. Wait! I can't use my own E-mail. If I do that then he'll definitely try to talk to me this afternoon if he comes over. I had to make another E-mail. One that make me sound mysterious yet have him intrigued by it. I got it! My E-mail will be It's absolutely perfect! I started making the account immediately.

When I was done making the account I started to E-mail him. I type in his E-mail address. I put the subject as of course, your secret admirer. Then I wrote:

Dear Brice,

I am your secret admirer. We have met before so don't get creeped out by this. I'm honestly not sure what I feel about you. So before I tell you how I really feel about you, I want to get to know you more. But don't worry, the more I get to know you, the more you get to me.


Your secret admirer.

I clicked send. I did it. I actually sent Brice an E-mail telling him how I kind of feel about him. I couldn't wait for him to reply back. I felt like I had some hope after all.

 To help time past by I started playing on my guitar. I started to get some notes out about what was feeling right now. Which was happy. I felt like we would basically be dating but online. Then it hit me. Oh shit! What if he wants to meet me and I'm not ready. What do I say to him? All these thought went bouncing around in my mind like ping-pong balls. I started to feel noshes. Like I always feel whenever I get like.

My brother calls it my Anti-social anixety attack. I normally get when I feel really socially pressured to talk to someone. We've tried to see a therapist about it. But even after about 6 months of therapy work, there was no improvement. But that was because I wasn't able to talk to the therapist.

I could see that she was trying be friend with me and I wanted to talk to her. I wanted to tell her all my problems and the pain I was going through but I couldn't. I felt bad but there nothing I could do. My fear of talking to people has tooken over me from the inside out. Pretty much the only person who I can talk to normally is my own brother. I can barely talk to my own father execpt for through E-mail or through letter. But it doesn't really matter becasue he's pretty much never home. 

 It was about an hour and my IPhone started to go off. I checked my phone and their was an E-mail. An E-mail from Brice. I was so happy that I could scream while jumping up and down. I clicked ont he e-mail and read what he replied. He wrote:

To my secret admirer,

Okay. So I guess you want me to say a some stuff about me. Well then lets start with my personal life. For one thing, my dad left me and my mom when I was 5 years old. My mom was a total wreck when that happened so I was pretty much alone through those years. I moved about 2 years ago because my mom got remarried to this new guy who I didn't even know. Okay, I've said enough for now. Now it's your turn.

Your crush, 


I was so surprised. It was like we have shared the same pain for a long time. We were like the same person. Two bodies but one soul. The only difference is that I like my brother's girlfriend unlike Brice and his mother's husband.

I immediatley replied back. I wrote:


I understand your pain. My mom died when I was 8 years old and my dad worked out of country A LOT. He still does. It was only me and my brother. And it still is. Our aunt and uncle normally checks up  on us daily but now since we're older they only check on us once a week. My brother was always there for me though and I was always there for him. Now that you know this about each other then what else should we say about each other? 

Yours truly,

Your secret admirer 

I clicked send.

 I can't believe this is happening. I'm actually talking to my very first crush! Well.... Sort of.

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