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The cool fingers of the night scratch at my spine as they prepare to burn Alyx.

Firelight dances on the walls that protect the village as we stand at the entrance watching the men carry Alyx's coffin to the clearing between the walls and the forest. They settle it down on the bed of wood and then step away, holding their breaths as Metri lights it with a torch and then steps away.

The smoke rising from the coffin creates a blurry fog over the stars. Nobody speaks a word as the air clouds around us. The glowing embers leap and twirl in the air, spitting towards the fire and creating a dull glow that wards off the darkness of unwanted visitors.

Kenna sidles up beside me and slips her hand into mine. I squeeze her hand back when I notice hers shaking. I didn't know Alyx well, but to Kenna, he was a close family friend.

One by one, people retreat back to their homes until there is only a small crowd of people still watching the coffin slowly burn into ash. I stay still, holding Kenna's hand in my own as the air flickers orange around us.

"It isn't fair," she breathes as the fire begins to burn out, leaving nothing but a dark pile of ashes. "Alyx was so kind."

"I'm sorry, Kenna." I rest my head on her shoulder wishing my words could bring comfort. "Death isn't known for being fair."

She sighs, turning to look over her shoulder. "Do you think he'll really find the killer?"

I follow her gaze to the well where Will Marule leans lazily against it as he speaks to Alyx's father. My stomach tightens as I watch him.

What if he is the killer?

"I don't know." I bite the edge of my lip.

"We should ask him," Kenna says as she tugs on my arm.

"What?" I resist as she pulls me behind her. "Kenna, no -"

But she's already off, her hand unclasped from mine as she waltzes gracefully towards Will Marule. She moves at just the right moment too because Metri walks away from Will and back towards the burnt pile of ashes.

She reaches Will, curtseying for him as his gaze shifts to her. Begrudgingly, I force myself to follow her, wavering behind her and trying to avoid Will's eyes.

"Mr Marule," Kenna says, cheeks flushed. "I was wondering if I could have a moment of your time."

Will's eyes dart over Kenna's shoulder and look directly at me, his mouth tilting sideways as my stomach flutters. Pictures flicker in my mind of Will moving through the forbidden forest and tearing Alyx's throat out.

"Of course, miss..."

"Federov, Miss Federov." Kenna's cheeks redden and she ducks her head to nod at me. "This is my friend, Miss Thelene."

Will raises an eyebrow when he looks at me, grinning in a way that makes my stomach twist. "It's nice to see you again, Alera."

I swallow as blood rushes to my cheeks and Kenna's curious gaze burns my skin.

"We wanted to ask you some questions," I clear my throat and nudge Kenna in the ribs. "About Alyx."

Will leans against the well and reaches up to brush his hair from his eyes. "I see."

"He was a friend of mine, sir," Kenna says. "I just... I suppose I wanted to know whether or not you know who killed him."

Will doesn't say anything for a few moments as he stares at Kenna. I'm relieved to see that his stare seems to make Kenna blush too. It fills me with relief to know that no one is exempt from his charm. Perhaps I am just getting caught up in the novelty of Will; perhaps his touch never sent tingles down my spine.

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