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" WHAT THE FUCK WAS HE DOING IN MY HOUSE RIRI? " My mom yelled at me putting her pistol back in the safety box 


" YOU DEAF NOW ? " She asked 

"No " I replied 

"  then answer my questions, give me that fucking phone " She spoke snatching my phone out my hand 

"  and you can give me that car key " She spoke I dug in my pocket and gave her the key 

"what was a nigga doing in my house riri ? " she asked again 

" I just wanted some company ma " I answered 

" you know I dont allow no fucking nappy head ass boys in my house ! " she snapped 

" you know what im finna call your daddy I just had this talk with your ass keep doing fuck shit im shipping your ass to him so you can stay with him " She spoke pulling out her phone my dad lived in a completly different city and I really dont want to live with him and his fake ass family 

" do not leave this damn house for the next few months unless you taking your ass to school ! " She said walking out of the living room 

I sighed walking up to my room I hopped in my bed and went to sleep 


I walked downstairs and seen my mom at the door talking to the police I sat down on the steps until they finished their conversation 

" you too " my mom fake smiled  closing the door and gripping her robe 

" got the police at my shit you know I dont fuck with 12 " she spoke 

"  so that was Toochie over here last night ? " She asked 

" Yeah " I replied dryly 

" I thought that was your lil firstlove " she replied 

" he was " I said 

" we going to the gym later your waist trainer came try it on " she told me 

" k " I said looking for the package on the couch I grabbed the waist trainer package and ripped it open It looked uncomfortable as hell I lifted up my shirt and struggled to put it on 

After 15 minutes I finally got it on I looked into the mirror  and I looked snatched . It gave me motivation to actually focus on my body and try to go back to my old self .


" he bogus as fuck for that " Liyah spoke from the applewatch thank god my phone was still connected 

" right glad your mama came home when she did " Kayla said 

" yes , but I can't go nowhere , she took my phone and my car keys " I told them 

" you'll end up getting it back you know your mama nice as hell " Kayla spoke 

" I don't know she was mad as fuck " I said 

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