13. You Can Hold On To Me

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Emily flipped her book shut and looked up, to find Matt towering over her. He was carrying his gym bag, slung over his shoulder. She was seated in a small park in front of the school buildings.

"Hey Matt. Practice is over?" She asked, shoving her books into her bag.

"Yeah. Hey, wait, which book is that you were reading?" He asked, gesturing to the leather bound volume in her hand.

She shrugged and showed him the cover. "Nothing interesting, just some stuff about writing."

His brow arched. "You write?"

"I'm in the journalism club," she answered.

"Oh, okay. I didn't know you were still around," he said.

"We had auditions for new members today, we finished not long ago. Where is Gale? I was hoping to catch a ride."

Matt looked back towards the front doors of the school building. "Must be coming."

As if on cue, the doors opened, and a group of Matt's teammates came through. Gale was ahead of the group, his steps hurried as he gunned for the parking lot.

"Gale!" Emily called out loud, and he stopped in his rush.

He turned and went towards her. His eyes brushed past Matt and focused in her. "You are still here?"

"Yes? Remember in the morning I told you we would have the journalism club auditions today?" Emily reminded him.

"Oh, shit. Fuck," he cursed, dragging his palm down his face.

Emily frowned. "Umh, what's that for?"

"I forgot I was to give you a ride."


"Mum wants me to pick groceries," he explained.

"You are going into town?"

"Yeah, you can come with?"

Her face screwed up in thought. She sighed. "No I can't, Gale. I'll trek," she said.

She slung her bag over her shoulder.

"No, I can give you a ride," Matt said from his forgotten place behind her.

Gale looked towards him, but kept his gaze on the helmet he was carrying in his hand. Somehow, he had managed to avoid being alone with him so far, even at practice. He had no idea for how long he hoped to keep that up. Maybe until he wasn't feeling so awkward anymore?

"Uh, on your...bike?" Emily asked with hesitation.

"If you don't mind," Matt answered.

"No, I..." She shared a look with Gale. Gale was looking at her now, a smile lurking behind his features. "I've never ridden on a bike before."

Gale let a chuckle slip, and Emily glared at him.

"Oh," Matt said. "It's okay, I'll be slow. You can hold on to me."

Emily's eyes widened fractionally as heat rose up her neck. His last words put images, very delicious images in her mind. Seated behind Matt, hands around his waist, leaning against his back, inhaling the cologne on his biker jacket... While the wind blew past her face, whipping her hair...

"And you can have my helmet," he added, his voice pulling her from her momentary day dream. A day dream that was about to become real.

Very real.

She looked at Gale again, as if checking for his opinion. His amused smile was gone, and he was staring right at Matt sourly.

She frowned. "Gale?"

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