Chapter 17

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Last thing I remembered was passing out shortly after the stormtroopers arrived to evacuate me. Now I find myself in a medical bed in the infirmary aboard a star destroyer.

I was shirtless, bandages wrapped around my torso to cover the wound Kylo left on me. The arm that was graced by the lightsaber was also bandaged over the injured area. An IV needle was in my wrist pumping fluids and wonderful pain medication into my body. I don't feel much of anything right now but at least I'm in one piece.

A nurse entered my room. "General Hux, you have a visitor."

I let out an exasperated sigh. That's the last thing I wanted, some whiny officer pretending to be concerned to make a better name for himself. Best get it done and over with. "Send him in."

Much to my surprise, it wasn't anyone who I would have expected. I quickly gathered my scattered brain from the pain medication to not make a fool out of myself. "Supreme Leader Snoke."

The man, if you wish to call him a man, entered the room and nodded his head for greeting. The nurse shut the door and gave us our peace. "General Hux. I see you are recovering well."

Am I? I haven't received any reports from the doctors. "Yes, but I still have some ways to go I'm sure."

"Indeed," Snoke said, sitting down in one of the visitor's chairs. With his golden robe and the aura of a leader, he made the ordinary chair a throne. "But I am not here to discuss your health. There are more important tasks at hand."

"Such as, is the Finalizer still in one piece?" I inquired still concerned from earlier the ship. 

Snoke nodded. "Yes, the fleet was able to defend the star destroyer with little problem. Mark my words General Hux, the First Order just received a major upgrade to its fleet."

I smirked. "Excellent. Have you tracked down Kylo Ren?" I really desired an exact location so I could personally go punch him in the face.

Snoke chuckled, I think. Some noise I suppose could be translated into laughter emitted from his scarred throat. "Kylo Ren was unwise to take the TIE Silencer as his escape vessel. It's tracking beacon is strong and he has momentarily docked at Coruscant."

"So what are we waiting for? Send an army! I want Ren captured and brought back for justice!"

The ominous being stood up and casted it's ugly shadow over me. I shrunk down in bed as he scolded, "Do not command of me what to do, General Hux! Need I remind who is the one in charge of all operations, not just militarily?"

I timidly shook my head. "No, Supreme Leader. My apologies."

"I expect more out of you Hux. This attitude is uncharacteristic."

"It won't happen again, I assure you."

"Let us hope not." Snoke calmed back down and sat in his chair. "As I stated at the temple, I will personally handle Ren myself. All things come in time. I don't want to rush in with a grand army and frighten him just yet...I wish to wait and see what his plans are. As long as he is flying the Silencer, we will be able to track his whereabouts."

"And if he decides to change ships?" I pointed out, knowing Ren all too well.

Snoke shook his head. "He won't with this ship. I gave this to Kylo Ren. He wanted his own fighter so he could assist with the dogfights. It's a possession I know he won't give up."

I wanted to argue but knew better. Ren doesn't get attached to anything...except that stupid girl. "How long do we track him?"

"I will know when it's time to intervene," was all Snoke replied. "For now we just watch and wait."

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