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          Danny was silently munching on the hot dog as he walked through the crowded streets once more. The sun was just beginning its decent from its place high in the sky, Gotham's dark clouds slowly starting to hide the blue. Then the raven-haired teen heard a distant explosion and screams of panic. He turned towards the atmosphere, spotting the Bat Signal shining high in the sky. Stupid hero complex, Danny cursed as he took off towards the chaos.

          The hooded fifteen-year-old sprinted throughout the city, occasionally running through an alley or two. In a couple of minutes, Danny had reached the outskirts of the battle. As he got closer, a light blue wisp of mist slipped out of his lips, causing the teen to groan in annoyance.

          Floating above the street wreckage was a ghost. The specter had pasty blue skin, completely crimson red eyes, black hair that pointed upwards in two horns with a white strip of hair down the middle, a black goatee, and vampire fangs. He wore a white coat, white pants, a black buckled belt, a black V collar, black boots and gloves, and a grey cape with red on the inside, the large collar flopped up. The evil ghost crossed his arms and smiled evilly as he waited for someone to stop him.

          Danny growled, gritting his teeth. OF COURSE Plasmius had to come to Gotham! Batman better show up soon.

          As if to answer his wish, the Bat Jet flew overhead, dropping the Dark Knight in front of the floating ghost. Batman expertly landed on the cracked asphalt, glaring coolly at the specter.

         "Ah! You must be the famous Batman!" exclaimed the ghost, his smile widening. "Allow me to introduce myself: I am Plasmius, powerful ghost supreme."

          Batman just scowled. "Ghost?" he questioned skeptically.

          Plasmius nodded. "That is correct."

          "I'm willing to guess you won't go to jail peacefully?"

          Plasmius chuckled darkly. "Not a chance!" he declared, thrusting his arm in the Bat's direction, a pink ecto-beam shooting from his palm. "It's not like any of your petty jails could hold me anyway!"

          The Dark Knight easily dodged as Plasmius launched several beams in his direction. As he jumped over a shot, the dark man threw multiple bat-a-rangs towards the specter.

          To the Bat's hidden shock and horror, Plasmius turned himself intangible, allowing the bat-a-rangs to pass through him harmlessly. The maniacal ghost cackled wildly.

          "Oh, this is too funny! You think you can beat me without anti-ghost weapons? Or maybe you have a ghost guardian to battle me? Because, I'm sorry to disappoint, but you can consider yourself dead otherwise!"

          This ticked Danny off immensely. So much so, that at the part of "ghost guardian" gave him both an idea and a reason to give Plasmius a beat-down. The raven-haired teen quickly ducked in another abandoned alley, feeling the white rings wash over him. In a flash of light, Danny had become Phantom, who invisibly shot out of the alley and behind Batman.

          Phantom floated menacingly as he let his invisibility down, his cloak flapping slightly in a non-existent breeze. "You could call me that, Plasmius," the ghostly teen commented, his tone showing no emotion.

          Both Batman and Plasmius stared at Phantom, surprise evident on both of their faces.

          Then Plasmius's smile returned. "You think you can stop me, ghost child?" he scoffed, shooting a pink flaming ecto-ball at the new specter.

Broken Ghost (A Danny Phantom, Young Justice, and Batman Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now