Chapter 15 - Good Food

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Agent Black too late? Will not happen! The Teen Monster Hunters deliver! And Agent Black, too.

„Teen Monster Hunters", now online available in print and as ebook.

„Teen Monster Hunters", now online available in print and as ebook

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Agent Black crashed through the door of the agency restaurant, her Entrophy Gun raised and ready to fire, followed by Sergeant Flint and her team, who immediately spread out to secure the scene.

The three kids sitting around the table, munching pastrami sandwiches, looked at the group of soldiers.

"What?" Black yapped, out of breath, her eyes surveying the room, though she knew the gesture was meaningless for an invisible foe. "Happened?"

Sally pointed towards the kitchen, some urgent noises emerging from the inside. "Did you know that the Slab has all the right ingredients for a good healthy sandwich in his kitchen?"

"Sally is a sand-whiz, did you know? Want one?" Ryan quipped and held up his plate. "I'll be willing to share half of mine. You can have the uneaten side, if you are picky."

"Moe. S'wich."

"Oops, someone claimed it first, Agent!" Ryan shrugged and continued eating.

"Where is the beast?" Black asked, not the least interested in food and the kids who were playing it cool.

"In the kitchen. We trapped it in the ventilation shaft. You just need to saw everything off the ceiling," Sally said, taking another bite.

And Ryan added, "Maybe give it small shock from your super stun gun first. Don't want it to escape, again, right?" The Entropy Gun was developed with non-violent capture in mind.

"And this?" Sergeant Flint opened the electronic door lock into the kitchen with her badge and had a look around. There was a big white puddle where the beast had dropped the jug of milk. "Who cleans that up?"

Sally continued eating. "You, as usual." During the Hawthorne Affair, they had been in a similar situation.

Black's team huddled around the vent, and they discussed the capture tactics for a while. It appeared a little dangerous at first, and no one wanted to bear the responsibility of the beast falling onto the stove and hurting itself. Some scientists had to be brought in first and after ten minutes of rigmarole, uninstallations, and a transport platform on wheels, Black's Entrophy gun zapped once and a yelping sound was heard from the inside of the vent. Then the collection of soldiers and scientists dismantled the vent until they could slide out the now translucent grayish beast. Done deal. This left Sergeant Flint and her squad to reinstall the kitchen and clean up.

Black came out and sat down with the kids

"You guys had me worried for a minute." She was genuinely relieved.

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