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"I am waiting for you for an interval
Somewhere very near
Just around the corner
All is well.
Nothing is past; nothing is lost
One brief moment and all will be as it was before
How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again.
Canon Henry Scott-Holl and, Canon of St Paul’s Cathedral," I read above the place that Josh buried Robert's ashes. No one is crying anymore. Death is normal. Living, is not. Maybe that's why we fight, because we don't like that people are strange or different. Just maybe...


Daniel wrote down the final name into the mud: Sasha.

"How are we supposed to find all these stupid people anyways?" I asked annoyed.

"We look, duh!" Marry said mixing up a few more potions for our next trip.

"Look, this is our only hope for right now," Daniel said reassuringly, "Unless you got a better plan, we stick to finding some allys, okay?"

I didn't nod or say anything. They're gone because of you. I kept repeating the words inside my head. Josh took out his pocket knife. He quickly jammed it into my hand making me turn around and tackle him. It didn't hurt my hand, just made me mad. My hand wrapped around the pocket knife, pulled it out of my hand, and pushed it into Josh's stomach. He laughed while pulling it out. We now sit facing each other breathless. Josh tried to give me a weak smile, but failed.

"I thought a little action might cheer you up," still breathless, Josh mumbled. I rolled my eyes, trying to hold back my tears.

"Hearishima!" Marry yelled. I looked back at her, "What spell is that used for?"

"It takes takes out anyone's senses- no it has to be used with a potion."

Daniel took the spell book out of Marry's hand and burned it to ashes. Her nose flared, so I scooted back with Josh to get out of the way for a fight that Daniel started. Marry grinned and poured a bottle of green liqued onto the book ashes while saying, "Reformihob." The ashes quickly rolled past each other and formed a book. It turned back into a book. I'm not surprised. Marry has been practicing spells since she was five. Everyone made fun of her for it. NOW LOOK AT HER. She pulled out a tiny blue bottle and poured it onto Daniel's head. He ran his hand through his, now wet, brown hair. Blue liqued stained his calused hands, "What is this?"

Marry started to count down from five on her fingers. Everyone was confused, until her pointer finger hot one and Daniel screamed. We all laughed as he scratched at his head trying to remove the painful liqued.

I moved closer to Marry, who was now packing up some of her other positions and spells, "Nice." She smiled at me.

Josh had wide while starring at Daniel. Quickly he shoved his water bottle out of his pocket and poured it all over Daniel's head.

"Morons!" Marry yelled while still laughing and packing. The water made it worse. Daniel now rubbed his face with his hands, still trying to remove the never ending blue liqued.

"Nautshog," Marry said while nodding her head toward Daniel. He stopped screaming. Slowly, he removed his hands from his face, which is now red from him rubbing it so much. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't raw now.

Daniel cursed under his breath. I walked over to him. He smiled a crooked smile, that made me punch him. His feet fell from underneath him as I kicked his knee. A tree broke his skull as I punched him again. Daniel just laughed. His bones quickly recovered after my last kick, so he grabbed me by the shoulders and slammed me into a huge oak tree. Pain seered threw my back and down my leg. He was going to pay. His hands held me against the tree while I starred into his green eyes. Had they gotten prettier or was it me? No, it couldn't be me! No!

"Hey, lovebirds!" Marry laughed, "We got to find some allies if we want to save Kyle's life!"

Robert's face rushed back into my brain. I didn't even get to say goodbye. I didn't get to see him save me. I didn't get to see him risk his own life for mine. God, why was I so rude to him.

"First we need to travel to Adralinor," Daniel announced, yet we didn't move from the position on the tree. We just looked and looked into each others eyes. Why? Is this what love is like?: just starring. Finally, he pulled his hands off my shoulders and turned his gaze toward the ground blushing like a tomato. Marry smiled at me with her fingers connecting to make a heart over her chest, then pointing at me. I threw a knife from my boot into her chest.

"That's not even in the human world," I realized, going threw the last sentence Daniel had said. Marry pulled the knife out of her chest. It dripped with dark red blood that, now, covered her black clothes. She threw it back at me. I caught the knife by the blade, and shoved it back into my boot.

"Have you never been outside of the human world before?" Marry asked walking towards me with Josh close behind.

"I've always trained in the human world with my mom, she told me never to go out of the human world, or something will find you... I don't know, I was like five when she told me that," I answered. Daniel put an arm around my shoulder. He was really warm. I leaned my head into him as he smiled happily above me.

"Stop fooling around, we need to get to Adralinor," Marry demanded.

"Then lead, you Know-it-All!" I answered. Daniel laughed as we walked behind Marry, who now lead the way. Josh was too quite to be "Josh."

"Are you okay?" I asked kicking Josh's calf and taking my head off of Daniel. Daniel kissed the top of my head, which made me elbow him in the stomach. He released my shoulder while stumbling backwards.

Josh kicked the ground with his shoe.

"Tell me what's wrong!" I demanded more loudly. My hand touched his shoulder, and I whirled him around to face me. I gasped. He had huge purple and blue circles lining his eyes. He looked fine, like, two minutes ago. Josh lifted his blue sleeve to reveal and long winding bruise. Godrigof. I recognize that from when my friend got it when we were in elementary demon school. There was no cure back then, there is no cure now. Godrigof finds a host to consume. First it takes over the lungs and the heart, controlling the person's death (if needed). Then the long twisted bruise consumes the brain, which basically kills the person. It takes about a week for the parasite to reach the brain, but it buries into the body quicker than light. Horribly painful process.

I let go of his shoulder. I wiped my hand onto my pant leg, even though the parasite is not contagious. It has to be physically put into the person to kill them.

"Tina put it into me while I fought her," he croaked out like a sick horse, "I thought I had a little bit more time then... this."

Marry turned around to see what our hold up was. She came stomping over to us, but quickly stopped when she saw the long winded bruise on Josh's arm. Daniel's breath slowed down.

"Y'all should just kill me right now!" Josh's hoarse voice echoed through the trees winding. The world would hear hear Josh! One last time at least. The sun peaked out over some branches, trying to give hope to the world.

"No! We're not losing another person-demon- today! Marry..." She interrupted me before I could ask, as if she knew what I was about to say, "I have potions that slow it down, but not cure it. I'm sorry Josh. I really am."

Marry and Josh had a bond that no one else could tell anything about. She wanted it to be secret, so I left my nosey self out of it.

Josh fainted as the parasite moved within his forearm. It made his skin move up and down. Underneath is a nasty looking, wormlike, parasite.

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