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Mikaylas pov.

The man beside me swiped. And fear erupted inside me. I looked to Jess for help but 10 fully grown wolves were mounted on top of her so she could barley move not to mention see.

I looked at my attacker and I knew he had no control over himself. His name was bash a retarded name I know but that was what he was called. Once getting back his balance he stood up again and this time aimed for my chest. As his hand came down I screamed. And then a earsplitting crack was herd from under the mountain of wolfs. Waves of power shook the ground momentarily breaking bashes attempt to stab. And that was when the hole field went silent on our side, The ground began to rumble from under the pile of wolves which whinned looking at one another.

All the wolves went through the air flying with so much force that they ended back into the safety of the Forrest. Leaving behind a wolf twice the size of an alpha male. It was Jess. But apart from her size what I noticed first was the shards of blue crystals coming out of her wolfs elbows and back which glowed in the moonlight. She growled a growl that was filled with so much power. A growl only described as a thirst for blood.

Jessica's pov

Once I fully shifted I stood flinging all now twelve wolves from my body sending them flying back to the woods.

I looked into the eyes of the one who had attempted to take mikis life and growled thirsty for blood.

I could now hear my brother fighting on the other side of the tree completely unaware of the situation occurring on this side.

"Don't touch her." Ellen spoke through me. Opening people's eyes wider at the fact I could talk in this form. His eyes unclouded wetting himself and pointed the dagger at me.
"H-how are you talking. What are you." He said and then fainted.

All the wolves around me had frozen in place and I walked over to miki who screamed closing her eyes.
"You make me sick child I do not know why Jess has such a liking towards you. Your pathetic and All I want to do is kill you. for making her hurt even though it is very little. But your lucky Im not one to betray her so easily." Ellen spoke to Mikayla who still had her eyes closed.

Ellen brushed her paw on the zip ties constraining her and turned.

"You're lucky Jess keeps her word filthy mutt." Ellen said before giving me back control. I looked over at Mikayla who was still in the same position and my heart stung a little.

I turned back around and looked starring at Sam, Rex and what's his name. Sam's face held wonder and plans as he looked at me. Rex looked like he was ready to rip out my throat and what's his name just pissed himself being totally useless.

Sam's eyes whitened out as he communicated with his pack.

And then out of the blue the larger stronger ones backed away to stand beside Thier alpha as the weaker ones tried Attacking me. Their plan was obvious.

They were trying Wear me down.

They ran and jumped trying to push and shove me... They attempted to burrow their teeth deep into my flesh as I shook them off. And soon enough the pesky little mosquitos were all knocked unconscious and laying all over the joint.

And that was when it really started.

5 out of the 15 warrior wolves came towards me and snarled circling around me. These ones were smarter. They were all brown wolves, they were scared but still stood their ground. Making Ellen growl in respect. The first wolf came jumping over me and latching onto my ear. Tilting my head as the second ran underneath me and grab the furtherest back paw from him and pulled. Criss crossing my back legs. And that's when I noticed I let down my guard I was taking them to lightly with my neck exposed another wolf ran into my shoulder while the fourth grabbed my front paw and the fifth jumped into the air coming towards my neck as all three of the others pulled making me fall on my side. The fifth latched onto my neck and held me their. I couldn't believe I was so arrogant and blinded. Even though they were week they were still smart and cunning enough to put me in this awkward situation. And when I say awkward I mean that they made me look like a fool. Only an alpha with enough strength could pierce my skin.

I needed to grow up. So I laid there not surrendering nor fighting. I just looked at the wolf Right in the eyes, that was holding me down. his gaze was cool and calculating. He knew the fight wasn't over yet.

I licked my mussel and growled softly for the taste of blood. Making the other 10 wolves stand on high alert.

And then something unexpected happened. a black and white blotched wolf smaller than an alpha but bigger than the average size. Leapt through the air snarling. Landing on the wolf momentarily biting my neck. They both fell to the ground and the she wolf went against him as a clash of teeth and snarls erupted between them as they stood on their hind legs, every one knew it was a fight to the death. The she wolf was bitten on the back o the hind legs hard causing her to let out a Yelp and to use the opportunity to Grab the scruff of the wolfs neck and flip him backwards before sinking her teeth deep into his throat and ripping it out.

The wolf turned to me with sadness and guilt the blue eyes linked to mine and I knew who it was.

Only this time her wolf.

The fourth wolf moved in and tried to take her out as well but died faster then the first. Leaving the other wolves to hold me down. I ripped them off one after another by biting the scruff of thier necks and flipping them onto their backs with enough force to knock them out.

And just as soon as I finished 5 other warriors stood around Mikayla and I.

This game was no longer fun. I wanted blood and the only way to get that was from Rex, Ryan and Sam. Wait a minute where is Ryan? FUCK!! Now I had to chase the mother fucker down.
Not. Cool.

I waisted no time with these wolves. Even though they were more advanced then the others it made no difference I broke their legs or paws just by stepping on them. To say I took them all out was a lie miki helped well her wolf did because Two dead bodies lay behind her and she looked at me. Her wolf whinned walking up to mine and bowed asking for her alphas approval an forgiveness.

Senseing this was more of a wolf thing I let Ellen take control to which she growled and snickered at her betas reactions. Basically noting that she had to defend her alpha only because she was in danger and only because the she felt guilty about being terrified of us.
Mikis wolf whinned. And miki transformed back bowing to us.

As I took back control I looked at her front he eyes of my wolf and coughed signalling For her to stand up and turned my head to Sam who smiled evilly.

A single gun shot echoed through through the paddock s slow motion. I turned to see the silver laced bullet pierce just above mikis heart as she flung back wards and hit the ground. I let out a vicious snarl and ran to her feeling like each step I took, was a year later.

I reached her and pulled her into my arms I could feel the blood begin to drain from her body. While a laughing Sam delightfully said.

"We have you surrounded"

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