Chapter 14

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"Ma'am, your father will be here in a bit. He said that he is in some heavy traffic. So, it may be a while." My nurse says as she sets my food down. I had ordered chicken tenders and a cheese stick. That's all I was really in the mood for. I had no drink because I had no desire to drink.

"Thank you." I answer as the nurse walks out my room. I gulp down my food and I set my hand on my chin in thought.

Why hasn't River been here at all? I mean, the nurses said that he stayed here the entire time until I woke up. Maybe he didn't want to give me stress? He probably would've given me stress. I didn't want to see him. He cheated on me. With CRYSTAL! ugh.

Suddenly I watch the door as they swing open to find my father and mother holding hands as they look at me with there eyes watered.

I didn't want sympathy. And especially from them. I mean they kept a huge secret from me!

"Mom. Father." I say with a stern look on my face.

"Peanut." My father says as he walks over to kiss my cheek.

"Why didn't you tell me?" They both look at each other with question and then back at me.

"What are you talking about?" My mother pleads as she comes to sit down on the bed with me.

"Why didn't you tell me that we were the German Royal family?!" Now I was yelling. I could hear my monitor start to beep. But I didn't give a care.

"So... have you seen River?" My father says as he tries to change the subject. I just sigh as he thinks I would let this go.

"Dad. Answer. Me. Now." I was now stern. I could feel tears wash in my mother's face. She muttered I'm sorry as she walked out of the room crying.

"Peanut, We're not meant in Germany anymore." My father says as he comes to sit down on my bed. I just sigh. They've always kept secrets. Why should I feel hurt?

"Just please, tell me why we left." I plead.

He was now looking to the side in defeat.

"The Russians had taken over. We were screwed. And I knew we had to evacuate. So, that's what I did. I didn't change our names though. I had faked a death for our family. So, now a days people either say we look incredibly like the old royalty's of Germany. I thought keeping it from you was best." He breathed heavily on that last part.

The Russians had taken over? What the fudge?

"Is that all?" I say furiously.

"Peanut, River is royalty as well. He knew about this. He is the French and Greek prince. Though he had to fake a death with his family as well." RIVER KNEW?!

"River knew?! Why the heck didn't he tell me?!" Oh I was furious now. You cheat on me, you're a player, and now you're a PRINCE?! What the hell?! What's next? You're going to be a spy?! Aww shit. He could be!

"Did he change his name?!" I plead. My father just shakes his head.

"He is always told that he looks like the prince of Greece and France if he had grown up. But the things they don't know is, he is." My father says with a smile on his face. I just pout and look to the side. My life is so messed up. I hope my child won't have as much of a messed up life.

Then something hits me. Hits me hard.

++Rivers P.O.V.++

I look around my surroundings to see Crystal talking on the phone as her chauffeur drives the black car. Everything was black in here. No wonder Crystal wore black a lot.

My hands were tied behind my back while they had covered my hand with a bandana.

I slowly try to wiggle the bandana out of my mouth. But all I could think about was Ems. How would she react to knowing that it was her husbands time. My father had always told me that someday the Russians will make it there mission to take over all of the royalty's. And I knew Now was my time. I was going to die. And I had nothing to do about it.

Finally I manage to make the bandana off of my face slyly making sure Crystal hadn't noticed. Lucky for her I took a class where I can untie my hands behind my hand. Ha!

I slowly untie my hands. Once I'm done I bring my hands on my legs in fear. I have to admit I'm a bit scared. I mean, I'm going to die. I'm a billionaire and a Royal. It's the best combination of money. Sadly.

Slyly I move my hands towards Crystal and snatch her phone from her. She was just staring at my hand in shock. Never thought I could untie myself did you?

"I'm a book of stories sweetheart." I whisper in her ear as she continues to stare at my ear.

"So am I." She responds back as she quickly grabs a knife out of her pocket and slashes me right in the stomach. I hiss in pain as I lay back. I could feel my sight start to fade but I try to fight through it. For Ems.

I lean towards Crystal and start to choke her.

He chokes a bit but then suddenly puts knife right in my stomach.

"Ems." I mutter softly as I watch my world fade. I feel my life fall right in front of me. And the last person I picture, is Ems.

++Emmers P.O.V.++

My baby. Is my child dead?!

"What happened to my child?!" I yell in pain as I look at my father with sadness.

"What child?" He asks in concern.

I forgot River and I hadn't told anyone yet except for our friends. Aww man.

"Dad, I was pregnant." I say breathlessly as I look down at the ground. He just sighs heavily and he walks towards a nurse in the hallway.

I watch them through the doorway as they talk. The nurse brings out a paper and shows it to my father. My father nods and takes the paper and looks down at the paper and he walks towards me.

"Peanut." He says saddened. I knew what was coming.

"You lost your son."

Son. I lost my baby boy. Wow. My world is over.

"They couldn't save him?!" I practically yell in pain. I could feel tears falling down my cheek.

My father just shakes his head.

And that's when I felt my heart pound. I feel my heart in pain. River wasn't here. River cheated on me. I lost my baby. And my family has kept a huge secret from me. MY ENTIRE LIFE.

I could feel the light surrounding me. I could hear the beeping sound from the monitor.

And that's when I only saw black.


Ooooooh! Also btw guys, I have NOTHING against Russians if you're thinking that. I was just planning on choosing a random country. I though Russia would be interesting. Love ya guys! ❤️

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