2.A moonlight stroll

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I kept some distance between us as the man and I walked. I had never been to those sides of the city before. He moved to his right, closing the gap between us.

He placed his hand on the small of my back. "A pretty girl like you must have a name. "

"She must," I replied, walking a bit faster to end the contact between his hand and my back. My – hopefully– subtle moves earned no visible reaction from him.

I looked him up and down, noting the swift yet casual way he walked. A working man, I concluded. He had power. He was used to being in charge. That swiftness conveyed regular urgency his in his daily life. And the relaxed appearance of his entire body spoke of leadership. Authority. He had work to do but was in no rush. Because he was the boss.

He smiled expectantly at me.

"I think I have you figured out, stranger. Do you come to these clubs to hit on girls and hope they'll sleep with you? They won't." I said confidently, shocking him.

A quick recovery. He must enjoy debate. Doesn't shrink under conflict. "I only hit on the special ones." He took my hand in his and planted gentle kisses on my knuckles. I looked into his stormy blue eyes. They were casting spells on me. ". . . now tell me your name, sweetheart"

Did he just call me 'sweetheart' ?What is wrong with this. . . hot. . . sexy. . . ummh. What am I doing!?

"Andrea." The word slipped right out of my mouth, as if coaxed out by spellcasting blue eyes and that smirk. Clearly this man was a warlock because I suddenly asked, " yours? "

He paused for a while before giving me his name. His workers must have to pick up a lot of slack if tales this much time to remember his own name. "My name is Trey."

"You don't look like a Trey, " I said. I found it unusual for someone to think just to remember their own name. Plus this guy looked nothing like his name.

You look like . . . a. . . Damien

"I get that a lot, " He replied. He had something about him that yelled 'respect me'. He didn't walk, he strode. I found him beyond attractive. "Tell me about yourself, beautiful."

Evidently, Trey carried with him a wide vocabulary of words to use in place of a girl's birth name.. Then answered," not much to tell. I graduated college last year and am 23 and I recently moved to New York though not around here. And this clubbing thing isn't my scene. It's your turn " He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and gave a weak smile.

He told me he lives in New York and he was twenty nine years old. The age difference was big but not too large. I had opened up to the man and he was obviously a player. One could tell;the way he talked,walked exuding confidence.


I wanted her more than anything. I believed I just needed to get her to go out on one date. She obviously wasn't gonna sleep with me at our first meeting and wasn't desperate to be in my bed.

We talked for a while. For the first time ever I found myself actually listening to a woman other than just staring at her body. Not that I could keep my eyes off her. She was proving to be more interesting than I thought. I found myself completely infatuated by her. Her laugh,her smile,her words everything.

I fantasised about pushing her against the wall and doing her in the alley way,she and I naked on my bed and her in my office on my desk naked. I shook my head to stop all the dirty and sinful thoughts.

"Would you like to go out with me?"I asked. Women have always chased me but for the first time ever I took up the role of the chaser. I had gathered up the courage to ask her. It was imperative that I ask her before she found out my true identity. She avoided eye contact, making me aware of her answer. "Tomorrow " I had learned that if you want to get a pretty girl to go out with you, ask her on a date as soon as possible. She won't have the time to think about it and back out. I had never had to use the trick but this girl was more challenging than any other. In a good way.

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