Chapter 40

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@Calum5SOS: Hey guys. I just need to clear some things up.

@Calum5SOS: I've been seeing some stuff floating around twitter regarding Macie and I just wanted to clear it up for you.

@Calum5SOS: We've been going through some rough things recently with someone she used to know and he recently lashed out.

@Calum5SOS: He used you guys to spread the rumor so everyone would hate her and hurt her, and essentially hurt me.

@Calum5SOS: Macie did not cheat on me with him. We are very happy together and everything is going well, please respect that x

@Calum5SOS: Thank you for understanding guys. I hope you know now how wonderful Macie is, she would never do something like that.

@Calum5SOS: thanks again cuties, love ya X

"Hows that baby?" I asked her, kissing her temple. She snuggled into my arms and smiled, kissing just under my chin.

"It's perfect, thank you."

I rubbed circles on her back, taking a deep breath. After she had cried to me in the bathroom, she'd hopped in the shower and we went out to talk with my managers about what to do about the whole situation. After a long discussion and a tid bit of arguing, we came to the conclusion that just telling the fam the truth would be more effective than anything else we could come up with. Something personal and straight from the source would work better than something produced by our team. So after two hours of sitting in the conference room, we made our way back to the house.

Once there, we walked out to the patio and gave the boys a run down of our plan. They all seemed to agree that it was well thought out and told us they'd be behind us 100%. Before we went back inside, Ashton had pulled us all in for a group hug. 


"This will all be over soon," the last person I expected to say something said. I looked at Luke with hopeful eyes and he gave me a half smile. I nodded and walked over to hug him.

"Do you really think so?"

He rolled his eyes, there it was. "Yes I really think so, they'll listen if it comes from Calum, you'll be fine."

"Thank you Luke," I smiled, walking back towards Calum whose hand was outstretched to me, waiting. I shakingly took it and we walked back inside together.

Once in the safety of our bed sheets and blanket, we opened twitter and Calum typed out the tweets he'd send. I felt safer with each "your tweet was posted" that I saw as I rested my head against his chest. 

As he finished up the last tweet, adding a picture of a puppy for good measure, I closed my eyes. I heard the laptop close and then felt a kiss on my forehead. I smiled and opened my eyes to see Calum smiling down at me.

"It may take a while and there still may be hateful people, but now they know the truth," he explained to me, almost as if saying not to get my hopes up.

I nodded and tilted my head up to look at him, "Can we check?" 


"I said," sighing, "Can we check?"

"And I asked what," he teased me back.

"Can we check twitter now?"

He raised an eyebrow at me and unwrapped his arm from around my waist, "Let's wait a while," he said standing up.

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