It Goes On

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**This is the second chapter I updated, so if you clicked on a notification, you may have missed the previous chapter (a new ally)**

The next morning at 8.59 I was standing in Leadenhall Street looking up at the familiar building, hesitant if I should go in.

I couldn't even have told you what I was doing here, skipping class to follow the orders of a man I didn't even work for anymore.

I straightened up and marched through the doors, passing through the reception area and making my way up the stairs, walking past Mr. Stone's desk and marching into Mr. Ambrose' office as the bells started announcing the hour.

"Good morning, Mr. Ambrose, Sir."

Silence. Oh, dear. Was this going to be one of those times, when he would try to intimidate me by pretending to be busy with something else and ignoring me? Because it had never worked before, and it wouldn't work now! I had nothing to fear, after all.

I coughed, just to be sure he'd heard me come in, but again, he didn't react and continued filling out papers.

Honestly, I expected him to know better by now. He had tried this tactic on me many times, and it had never been effective. Why would it work now?

I had something on him this time -- information gathered from within the Lion's Den. And he'd have to beg me for it! Or at least ask nicely.

Darnit. Why did he have to keep this up for so long? I mean, it was already too late for me to make it to class on time, but still. It was totally possible that I had somewhere to be after this!

"You're late," I said. "We were supposed to meet at nine. It's one minute and fourteen seconds past nine."
I walked closer to the desk, gathered up the papers Mr. Ambrose was working on and pulled them towards me.
Finally, he looked up at me, looking unsatisfyingly undisturbed.
"Mr. Linton. Might you tell me what you were doing at the ball last night?"
I smiled at him. "Dear Edgar invited me, and I thought it'd have been quite rude to tell him no."
He didn't think that was an acceptable reason.

Tough luck for him! I'd come to help him, and I was going to, if he wanted my help or not. That's what he paid me for -- well, that was what he was going to pay me for once I was done with university.

"Quite a nice fellow, once you get to know him," I said.

Mr. Rikkard Ambrose, as expected, did not feel that this was relevant to any kind of conversation, but definitely not this one, where he was trying to tell me to stay out of his business.

So, Mr. Ambrose wasn't talking to me, per se, but as you can tell, I'd grown quite adept at reading his silences.

"He gave me some documents from Lord Dalgliesh' office," I blurted, mentally giving myself a slap for not keeping this to myself, as I had originally planned, but it was already too late, and I told him what had happened.

When Edgar had dropped me off at home, I had written down everything I remembered from the papers, but when I tried to give it to Mr. Ambrose, he just stared at the folded sheets until I put them back in my pocket.

"If you think that I am trusting any information coming from a Dalgliesh, you are sorely mistaken."

"You seemed pretty buddy-buddy with him just yesterday!"

His face didn't change at all. "Jealous, Mr. Linton?"

I scoffed. "Of what? I was glad I didn't have to deal with you and your insufferable moods!"

"I seem to remember being quite pleasant."

"Pity it was all in vain, considering I'm the one who has information now," I snapped.

"Information which I have told you I will not trust!"

"You don't trust me?" That came out very vulnerable, and I hated it.

"I don't trust Edgar Dalgliesh!"

"But he's done nothing to you! He's a very nice guy, once you get to know him a bit. He could have ratted me out to Lord Dalgliesh if he wanted, but he didn't!"

"Yes, and now you're giving me information that was literally handed to you, by the brother of Lord Dalgliesh, one of the most shrewd men in this country."

"Maybe he doesn't like Lord Dalgliesh!"

Mr. Ambrose' pinky twitched.

I threw the folded papers on his desk.

"At least give it a look," I said, before turning around and walking out of his office.

How dare he! I had risked my safety for this information! And he wasn't even going to look at it?

If I'd been working for him, I'd have quit.

I was already in the reception area, nodding a goodbye to Sallow-Face at the desk, when I heard Mr. Stone behind me yell my name.

"Mr. Linton! Mr. Linton! Mr. Ambrose demands you come back up this instant."

Demands? Demands? I didn't work for him! He couldn't tell me what to do!

I told Mr. Stone to tell dear Rikkard that. The poor man paled, and informed me he would not say that. The coward.

I stormed up the stairs, busting open the door to Mr. Ambrose' office, bumped into the man himself, who was apparently just on his way out, stumbled and almost fell.

I was so surprised at seeing my favourite granite statue actually moving, and, what seemed like making an effort for Sweet Little Me, that I almost didn't notice that he was practically holding me upright by supporting my arm. I jumped back.

"What did you call me for?"

"I want you to come back to work," he said shortly as he let go of my arm and sat back down at his desk.

I couldn't believe my ears. Mr. Rikkard Sleeping is a waste of time is money Ambrose had taken the time to get Mr. Stone, who he was paying during this time to get me back; and had been on the way himself to find me -- so he would have to pay me again.

"Miss me?" I grinned, feeling proud when his pinky twitched.

"No, Mr. Linton, I do not miss people. But it has recently become clear to me that you will not stop meddling in my business even if you are not involved in it -- and wipe that grin off your face, I did not intend that as a compliment."

I had to admit -- it was tempting. College hadn't been what I expected at all. In between Mr. Ambrose and Edgar Dalgliesh taking turns annoying me, I had actually followed a few classes, and had learned nothing I didn't already know from working. I was starting to think that the school system just wasn't ready for me.

"I don't know, Sir, I'm quite enjoying myself. Especially the History class is just... fascinating, don't you agree?" If I didn't have experience with his icy glares, I would have frozen on the spot. "I mean I don't know if I want to give that up for someone who doesn't value my hard work."

"What do you want?"

"I want you to say thank you for the information I found. Oh, and a box of solid chocolate in my office at all times."

His eyes narrowed. "Once. You get solid chocolate once." He paused for half a second, taking a shallow breath before forcing out a pained "Thank you".

I tipped my hat at him, then turned to leave. "Where are you going?"

"To drop out of college, Sir."

"I don't pay you to take trips, Mr. Linton, I pay you to work. Get started on the files on your desk, and when you're done, come take down my appointments."



**This is the second chapter I updated, so if you clicked on a notification, you may have missed the previous chapter (a new ally)**

So this was the last chapter of 'Denial'. (first 2700 words of NaNo17 down :))

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Thanks for reading, all :) Perhaps I'll see you in the comment section of Silence Breaking!

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