• twenty three

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From the moment
I saw her I knew
this one was worth
a broken heart

"Who would've thought the Dueling lessons would actually come in handy

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"Who would've thought the Dueling lessons would actually come in handy." Frank laughed nervously as he watched his classmates practice some spells in the Room of Requirement before they headed out to Hogsmeade for the night.

Alexis sighed, if even she was nervous she couldn't even begin to imagine how the others felt. "Frank, you don't have to do this. None of you have." She turned to look at all of them. The Prewett twins, Frank, Alice, Catherine and Ivy were adamant on accompanying the Marauders and her.

"And leave you alone? No. You said it yourself, there'll be a couple of Death Eaters there. You're gonna need backup and that's what we're here for." Frank reassured her, his previous uneasiness gone.

"Guys, it's 8:50 already. I suggest we get going." Remus instructed them, a hint of worry on the lycanthrope's face.

"Uh, yeah, about that." Catherine pointed out as they all cautiously made their way out of the Room. "How do you suggest we get to Hogsmeade late at night without getting caught?"

James chortled, "I'm offended."

"Do you know who you're talking to?" Sirius pointed at himself and his partners in crime with a mischievous grin growing on his face. "Follow me, dear."

Leave it to the Marauders to know all about secret passageways not even Filch himself knew about. One of those passageways was beneath a one-eyed witch statue and happened to take them all the way to Honeydukes' cellar.

"Now we just walk this creepy tunnel for about thirty minutes." James noted once they were all inside the dark passageway. "Lumos Maxima." Their surroundings, although more clear now, were still eerie as an orb flew before them providing them with light.

"I should've told the girls," Alice muttered. "That way there'd be more of us."

"If there were more of us then there'd be more targets." Remus reminded her, he and Alexis had been the ones insisting on not involving any more people.

"Yes, that way if only the eleven of us die, then it'll be no big deal." Sirius commented sarcastically, not doing much to ease the others' nerves. Although they were putting on a brave front, Alexis could tell they were all as terrified and anxious as she was.

"No one is dying tonight." Alexis' voice came out shakier and hoarser than she intended, not soothing their uneasiness in the slightest. "No one is dying tonight." She repeated more assertively, although still not sure if she was trying to convince herself or the others.

Alexis couldn't help but feel a certain responsibility over the group. Not only was she the only one with a little experience and background on the Death Eaters, but if it came down to it, she was the only one that could stand a chance against Tom. Although they were all skilled witches and wizards, she was the most practiced one and her relation to Tom played a huge role on that. The weight fell on her shoulders.

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