74. Heartsick

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Heatherwood Hospital. His hospital.

I stared down at the invitation, desperately trying to decipher its meaning. What was this? Was it just a general invitation, sent to all the rich Lords and Ladies living in and around Ascot?

Oh yes, of course. You just happened to receive an invitation to a ball at the hospital he is in charge of, a day after he spoke to you for the first time in days. It's all just coincidence. Please! Are you really that thick?

But if the note had been sent by him, why was it addressed "dear guest?" That didn't make sense! Was I just suffering from wishful thinking?

I was! It had nothing to do with him at all! How could it have? Why would a man like that, the chief surgeon of the only hospital in the most high-society town in all of England, a man with the face of a God and the eyes of a devil, want someone like me? A crazy widow who wore hats with pineapples on top?

I wouldn't go! I couldn't! The part of my brain responsible for logical behavior shut off whenever I got within a dozen yards of him! I couldn't go to this event. I just couldn—

My thoughts abruptly cut off when I noticed something else on the invitation apart from the printed text—a single word in elegant, cursive handwriting:


My heart made a hundred-foot leap.

On the other hand... I couldn't just refuse an invitation to a charity ball, could I? After all, it was in favor of children with terminal heart disease. You had to help sick children, right? I had a duty as a caring member of society to help those less fortunate than me. Plus, if he was there...

You did not just think that! Remember, he's NOT your reason for going. Think of the poor, sick children, and forget about his perfect face, fathomless dark eyes and... Well, just forget about him altogether! Sick children. That's why you're going. Poor, sick children.

I smiled. Time to be generous.


"Yes, my Lady?"

"Kindly have the Rolls Royce cleaned until it sparkles."

"Yes, my Lady."

"And send a message to Heatherwood Hospital that I will gladly accept their invitation."

"Of course, my Lady."

"And, Jenny?"


"Stop calling me my Lady!"

"Yes, my L— I mean, yes. Yes, I will."


In the orange-golden light of the street lamps, the brick walls of Heatherwood Hospital shone warm and welcoming. Garlands were draped around the blue posts of the portico and laughter and music drifted out of the open door. My chauffeur skillfully steered the Rolls Royce into an empty parking space.

"When do you wish me to pick you up, my Lady?"

"If all goes well, not at all."

Realizing what I'd just said, I hurriedly cleared my throat. "Um... I mean, I'll call you when I need you."

"Of course, my Lady. Do you wish me to escort you to the door?"

"No. I think I'm still able to walk on my own two feet, thank you."

"Don't you need help to carry your suitcase?"

"I'll manage."

Opening the door, I slid out and inhaled as the cold air hit my face. The wind tugged hard on my thick parka. I had been right to put it on, even though I suspected it somewhat clashed with the Ralph Lauren designer dress I was wearing.

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