Chapter 4

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"The hell are you doing?" Austin raised an eyebrow.

I groaned and planted my face on the piles of papers on my desk. I released a loud, screeching half yawn half sigh.

I heard Austin laugh from behind me as I lifted my head back up.

"You've only been in school for a week." He commented.

Before I got to answer a soft cushion landed on the back of my head, jerking me forward. Even though Austin had thrown a really soft pillow, his strength was out of this world.

"Austin!" I exclaimed at the top of my lungs as all I hear was his laughter. I got up and grabbed the pillow angrily, throwing it back at him. With his quick reflexes he managed to dodge my shot and childishly points at me, teasing.


"Austin stop!" I groaned.

"Aubrey's weak!"


"You're weak." He simply commented.

I bit the inside of my cheek and got out of my chair.

"It's impossible to study in this house," I said in defeat as I dragged myself out of the bedroom.

"Alright, have fun!" I heard Austin's voice from the room.

It was already 10pm, and my dad was still back at the factory working. He works hard. Although he had me and my brother at a young age, all of this working will have him die at a young age. Kidding.

I sighed as I opened the door. The breeze gently hit my face as I stretched my arms, yawning before stepping a foot outside. I didn't bother to put on a jacket, or real shoes. The weather was warm enough for me to walk out in a T-Shirt and shorts, and my rabbit sleeping shoes were already torn apart to even begin with.

I closed the door behind me and decided to take a stroll in the new neighborhood. Back at home, I never had the guts to walk outside by myself. The old neighborhood was filled with crimes, Austin would never dare to let me step a foot outside without his company.

Although Austin can be annoying, practically all the time; his company never fails to make me feel protected.

I yawned as I continued walking alone the clean sidewalk of the area. The houses here weren't mediocre big. They weren't two story houses. They were single story; however, the houses didn't look torn apart, they didn't call out "IM RICH" either.

From a distance, I heard footsteps. Not from behind me though, from in front of me. I rubbed my eyes, confused as to why there was shadow or person up close enough for me to see.

Believing that I was hallucinating, I continued to walk. Looking at the sidewalk below me as I played a game of 'don't step on a crack'. The sound of the footstep grew faster, and louder. I looked up and rose an eyebrow as a sudden shadow from afar started appearing, running towards me.

I kept quiet.

Is this when I run?

I was more confused as to why this person was running by themselves, especially in this safe looking neighborhood.

"Move!" the person called.

The person got closer to me as I stepped to the side. However, I thought I moved fast enough but I didn't. The person tackled me to the side as both of our body fell on the hard concrete. "Ow!" I exclaimed as I pushed myself off the concrete.

His Bad Boy Ego | ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant