Chapter 9...

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"How are my two favorite costumers?" Rosie asked, coming by a little bit later. I had just finished asking Brock what it was like playing professional baseball.

"Rosie you say that to everyone." I grinned up at her.

"This time I mean it." Shaking my head, I took a bite out a crescent donut. It was without a doubt the best donut I've ever ate. "So when does your brother come back?"

Swallowing I answered, "Should be soon. He has a break coming up I think."

"When he comes home tell him to come see me. I have new recipes I want him to try out." I laughed and nodded. Brock use to be Rosie's taster for new recipes but after he left Lucas stepped in. Lucas could eat anything put in front of him and I swear never got full; something that always wowed me when I went grocery shopping.

"Lucas is gone?" Brock asked as soon as Rosie walked off. He sounded concern which made me inwardly laugh.

"Yeah, he is away at college."

"College? Damn I am old. I remember him being a little scrawny 12 year old when I left."

"Join the club. It is hard believing he is 18 now and at college." I still think of my brother as the little baby I held in my arms when he was born.

"Where's he going?"

"University of Oregon. He's there for soccer believe it or not."

"What happened to Baseball?" I glanced away.

"He found soccer and fell in love." I didn't have the heart to tell him he quit baseball because of him.

My brother looked up to Brock. He saw him as an older brother and wanted to follow in his footsteps. The two of them would spend hours throwing a baseball around. Lucas went to every game with me so he could see his 'idol' play.

When Brock left and we broke up Lucas just stopped playing. One day he came home saying he tried out for the soccer team and made it. From then on he put everything into it and played all the way through middle school, into high school and now college.

To this day I don't know why he quit baseball. I asked him why and he just replied with a 'I like the way I feel playing soccer'. After he dodged the question I stopped asking. It worked out for the best because he found his true calling with soccer. He got a good scholarship to be on the team and I only had to pay a bit to help him out.

"Oh, well that is great. Kid must be good at soccer then to play at a university."

"He's fantastic." I beamed at the thought of my little brother. I was happy he was making something of his life.

We lapsed into silence after that. Neither of us wanting to address the elephant in the room. I wanted an explanation but I wasn't sure if I had it in me to hear it. Although I had to admit it was nice talking to Brock again. It felt natural, almost like all times.

"How are your parents doing by the way?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"They are good. Mom is happy I am home and I just know she has something planned for tomorrow."

"Sounds like your mom to plan something."

"Don't get me started on how she tried to tuck me into bed las night and woke me up to make me breakfast." Throwing my head back I started laughing.

"Did little Brock-y get tucked in by his mommy?" I teased. I was picturing him as an adult having his mom tuck his sheets around his body and kisses his forehead goodnight.

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