Chapter Six - Friends In Low Places

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The interior of the building was more familial than the outside suggested. A hearth threw a soft warmth through the interior, shining its orange glow over walls decorated with an endless plastering of children's drawings. The sight of a guardsman's coat hanging over a chair stopped his Estra her tracks.

"Don't worry about that," the man said, following her gaze. "I work at the prison is all. Nothing more than a jailer. Don't get paid enough to give a shit about our dear captain or his commands, so you're safe here while your money's still good."

"Oh, how reassuring," Estra grumbled under her breath, receiving a sharp elbow in the side from Lency for her sarcastic remark.

"I'm glad your loyalties lie with the right cause, sir. As a matter of fact, we were hoping to find someone that might be able to lead us to a man named Brennan. Is that a name that you're familiar with?"

The man's eyes narrowed on the pair of them, as he rubbed a hand through his chin stubble. "Well, I am a part of the resistance as you know so well little lass. So aye, I know who the bard is and I know where to find him as well. The only question is, who exactly the two of you are."

"I'm a friend of his," Lency said, favoring the man with her most cheerful smile. "Banor's daughter."

The man's expression softened almost instantly at the mention of the tavern keeper's name. "Ah, I see it now, plain as day. Banor was a good man. A good friend too." He laid a meaty hand on Lency's shoulder. "Your father did a lot of good for a lot of people little one. Any child of his is good by me." His expression changed once again as he shifted his gaze to Estra, "But the big one, I'm still not sure about."

"Who me?" Estra said, spreading her arms wide, with her palms facing upwards. "I'm harmless."

The man's eyes surveyed her from the top down twice over. "Somehow, I doubt that," he said with a sigh. "But, if the girl trusts you, then I will too. At least for the night, that is. The name's Elmont. Pleased to meet you."

Estra shook the man's outstretched hand, ignoring the opportunity to present her own name.

"Brennan's been in hiding ever since our last run-in with the Defiler. She's got it out for him in a big way this time. She's made it clear she's not afraid to cause a mess if that's what it takes to put an end to him. Luckily for you, he's let me know he's going to be attending the nightly circus. Might be some trouble in weaseling him out from the crowd, but you might have a chance if you focus on the center stage. Loves to watch the plays a little too much for his own good"

"Thank you for the information Elmont," Lency said, offering him a much more genuine smile. "And for allowing us into your home for the night."

"Course," Elmont said, smiling back to reveal a set of crooked teeth. "Let me show you lasses to your room."

Estra hesitated for a second until a reassuring nudge from Lency forced her legs to move again. The man led them up a flight of stars that leaned with the same sway of the house, taking them to a small, but otherwise clean room. Estra gave it a quick look over and nodded in appreciation of the fact that she may not have lice in her hair at the end of their stay.

"Wish I could say I'll be bringing you two a meal but..."

Lency waved a hand through the air, dismissing the man's words," Don't worry about us, we can go without food for a few hours, feed your boy."

"Thank you miss," the man smiled and left, closing the door behind him. Strangely, Estra got the feeling she could trust the man, despite her general apprehension of anything living or inanimate. Still, when it came to trust, she'd been wrong before.

The Blade Witch: Songs of Eldrin, Book 0.5Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora