Stop Screaming

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Warning: Intese descriptions of violence and disturbing content.

Word Count: 10521

Honestly I think I screwed up the ending of this but hopefully it's still okay. Looking over some of the parts I see that I left some of the things I had planned on incorporating, so I might go back to fix those.

Slightly unedited.


The week that followed after the "incident" in the gymnasium had been canceled by the school, all the work that had been due in that time frame would be held and extended until classes would start back up on the next Monday; the school board wanted to give all the students time to recover and heal, after all they had been forced to witness the graphic suicide of a student, and that was no incident. When the ambulance had arrived and the paramedics bursted from the back to rush inside they could only confirm what was already known, they didn't even have to pull the boy from his friends arms to know that he was gone, that he had left the mortal plane and gone on to a different reality that no one could ever explain; or maybe he just disappeared from existence, that burning soul that was so different from the carbon copies around him had just gone and all that was left was a shell that they could only hold onto for so long until it began to rot and decay, leaving them with nothing. There were so many different perceptions on the world that had mingled in this small group of fiv- four there was four now and there would never be a fifth member ever again, the group all saw things differently but they never picked on one another or tried to argue their veiw point, sometimes they'd discuss them and it was honestly fun. Everyone agreed that Damian had the most interesting idea on what the afterlife would be, that when the body dies the spirt was taken to a realm in which its surroundings matched what was believed to be true in their lives; if one believed in heaven then they would receive their perceived heaven, reincarnation would act accordingly, and the souls of those who were broken and battered would hold on to others like themselves and create a great being with much power from their combined parts.

The boys had to be pulled from the body of their friend by the ones who's jobs were to save him, and while Marvin screamed and clawed and fought to get back to the lithe framed Irishman he had grown to love as though he were a sibling, Damian held onto William while they sobbed into one another's embrace, no one saw anything in a pair of grieving friends. And all Schneep did was sit in the same pose he had been in when Anti had died, tears pouring from his eyes as the sight just wouldn't go away; he felt it, felt the life slip out of him and now the blood on his hands were cold and crusted. He couldn't get himself to move, and a simple week off of school would never take away the feeling of his best friend dying in his arms, slipping past his fingers faster then he could even understand that he was taking his last breath, the blood would always be on his hands.

The week would would be just enough time for the teachers to get the stains out of clothing and the mess off the court's hardwood floor. But there were some stains that no amount of cleaner, no matter how strong it was or what brand it was labels as, could ever get remotely close to clearing up, these mental blemishes would forever haunt and torment those they plagued, and there were so many students at this school who now had those imperfections, some of them more noticeable then others. Speaking in regards to noticeability, why couldn't he stop seeing the blood? Why, no matter how much soap he used or how hard he pushed the sandpaper into his skin, couldn't William stop seeing that bloody handprint on his palm? And why did it hurt so much for Marvin to watch his mother hold his little brother in her lap and nuzzle into his soft brown hair? Why did Damian find himself yelling at his father when he said he couldn't arrest Robbie, why did he turn on his sister and scream at her when she told him to calm down? Why couldn't he save him?

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