chapter nine

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Emiliana's POV
"I can't go home" I repeat and Mr Raphael shoots a confused glance towards me.

"why? " he asks focusing ahead again.

"people... They are after me" I say whimpering likes a little girl.

Pathetic I know

Mr Raphael didn't say another word and keeps driving while I fidget on my seat.

Should I call Daniel? After all I have spent a night with him and he was a stranger.

Mr Raphael slows down when we come to a huge gate that I crane my neck to see the top.

He horns and the gate slides open without anyone opening it. The gate opens to reveal a large mansion. I don't even know how to describe it. Various cars are parked outside and the house towers over it. Even though it's dark outside, it looks like afternoon inside that place.

"where is this place? " I ask confused.

"my house " Mr Raphael says nonchalantly as if he did not use billions to build it. It looks like a freaking castle

"I should get going" I say hastily

"that's if you have anywhere to go by 10 pm" he says turning around to walk inside.

I suddenly realize that its almost Christmas and most people will spend their vacation here so all hotels will be filled up.

"can I really pass the night here? " I ask Mr Raphael who is already a little bit far from me.

"if I didn't want you to, I wouldn't have brought you here" he says walking inside while I jog behind him trying not to fall in my ridiculously long heels and tight gown.

The inside of the house is even prettier. All the lights hung gracefully on the wall giving the house a beautiful but homey feeling.

Chatters could be heard from the kitchen so Mr Raphael walks towards the kitchen.

"you can retire for the night" he says and young girls troop outside. I guess they are maids. They flash me a smile before walking outside.

Soon, an elderly woman walks out speaking with Mr Raphael. When they reach us, she flashes me a smile.

"you are so pretty " she comments and I break into a smile. She seems like a really nice person.

"this is Mrs Jones, my cook" mr Raphael says

"hi Mrs Jones" I greet waving at the older woman.

"will you pass the night here? " she asks and I nod my head.

"then let me cook something since you have been gone since afternoon " she says quickly looking over at Mr Raphael.

"I'll pass " Mr Raphael says immediately.

"me too" I chirp but I'm lying. My stomach rumbles and I'm glad they can't hear it.  I haven't eaten all afternoon and I didn't finish my breakfast in the morning.

"I'll head to my room, Mrs Jones please show Emiliana to her room. " Mr Raphael says retiring to his room.

"are you sure you are not hungry " Mrs Jones asks concern gleaming in her eyes.

"I'm fine" I assure her

"if you get hungry,  there are lots of food for you to eat in the kitchen " she finishes gesturing to a room in the corner which I guess is the kitchen and I nod in understanding.

"I'll show you your room" Mrs Jones says leading me upstairs. There are lots of room and we don't stop walking till we reach a floor with only two rooms.

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