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The file had an agreement. An agreement about Hussein's and my brother's partnership. All the terms and conditions were written in it.

My brother left his job and joined Hussein's company. He was given the charge of the main office of Dubai. And he wasn't allowed to work under any other company.

In any other circumstances, this would have been a great news. I would have been ecstatic. But, here the situations are different.

Hussein who once threatened to destroy my brother's career, has now given him the responsibility of his one of the main branches in UAE. Hussein is not someone who easily believes someone to give up such a huge responsibility.

Why would he do such a thing? What are his intentions behind this?

The only thing I could think right now was that if my brother starts working for Hussein, it only means that he will find an easier way to torture me. And, if in case my family comes to know about how Hussein threatened to marry him then they will surely raise their voice. And, if that's the case, then he can destroy my whole family with just a snap of the finger.

He has caught the right nerve. And if I ever try to go against him, all he will do is to squeeze the nerve until I take my last breath. He has caught the biggest fish. Now I will have to dance on his fingertips.

I know, I might be over exaggerating the things. I know I might be wrong. But there's no way to prove that Hussein has a good intention behind this step. And there is no proof that his intentions are bad as well.

I was interrupted by a knock. I looked down at the papers in my hands which were unorganised. I noticed few drops of water on the papers. It was then I realised that I was actually crying. I quickly wiped my tears off and sorted the papers.I opened the door and saw that it was Kareem uncle.

"Are you okay, child?" He asked me, his voice laced with concern.

I didn't trust myself, so I just nodded and smiled weakly at him and gave him the file.

From his looks, one could easily tell that he didn't buy it. But I wasn't in the state to respond to anything.

He took the file and went away, leaving me alone with the horrible thoughts and the possibilities my mind was implying at. I swallowed my sobs but my tears were flowing as if a tap was left open.

I came back to the kitchen. I started doing all the household chores. I cleaned the house and mopped it. I cooked the lunch. I even did the laundry. Infact, I did everything to keep myself busy. But it wasn't helping me at all. My mind was occupied with the partnership thing between Hussein and my brother.

I was setting our bed when last night's events came rushing down. I remembered how he touched me. I could still feel his touch. Everything was so beautiful. Everything was going well but then this has happened.

My knees grew week and eventually buckled down. My sobs grew louder and louder. And I didn't even try to bit them back. I let myself to break down because there was no strength left in me.

Despite of all this, there was voice in my heart calling me to not jump on conclusions. My heart was crying, it was begging me to believe Hussein. It was giving me a hope that he wouldn't do such a horrible thing to me for he has changed and that he likes me.

But my mind, it just refused to believe or accept any of this. It was reminding me about the past again and again.

I clutched my hair and pulled it tightly and let out a scream. Never have I ever felt so miserable, so confused and so hurt. I don't even know how to react to this and it was so frustrating that all I could do was to cry.

The Billionaire's Revenge ✔ (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now