Special 1

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3rd POV

Children ran around corridors playing tag, waiting for the bell to ring. Sun was up, ready to start a new day, but I couldn't say the same about one [h/c] girl. Her dull eyes looked back from time to time, finding her driver smiling at her. As she entered the school grounds, with one last wave, her driver drove off in the direction of her residence. Sighing she turned back to the building we all want gone, and bravely stepped in with her little feet. Looking around she couldn't spot the desired person so she just sat down on one of the benches lined up along the corridor. Playing with her bag's zipper she was approached by clearly unjoyful girl. Girl's eyes travelled from her expensive bag to her expensive shoes, before a fake smile replaced her uninterested facial expression.

"Hi!~" She said in a sickening sweet tone.

[Y/n] however, jumped off the bench and threw her bag over her right sholder and without even glancing at the girl, walked away. The girl crossed her arms with a loud 'hmph' and stomped to her classroom unsatisfied. Just as [y/n] stepped into the classroom, the bell rang. Taking her seat she quickly took out her books and started scribbling homework she 'forgot' to do.


It was lunch, a subject [y/n] always aced. While slowly walking and eating her sandwhich, she looked for the same person she tried to find this morning. She couldn't find her friend's figure which worried her because when your friends aren't around, bullies are. Avoiding groups of kids she bumped into few of them quickly apologizing and running away. Socialising wasn't always such a heavy topic for her. Just like the rest of the kids she played tag an talked to others. Before. Now, if she says a full sentence it's a miracle. The real miracle is what words can do to people. She decided to return to class until the bell rings. Talking a left turn she saw the doors of her classroom open and few girls standing outside.

"Miss! Miss!"  

A man in a suit jogged until he reached the younger creature.

"Your artwork, miss. You forgot it." He handed the work to the safety of her little hands while giving a wide smile.

"Thank you. Can I know who found it?" [y/n] quietly spoke. She knew that if she didn't hand in the work, the teacher would probably forgive her and the entire class would think that it's because of her dad.

"Your fa-Uh I m-mean, me! I found it!" The man rubbed the back of his neck.

"Thank you very much sir." She bowed slightly and after saying goodbye returned to class.

Little crew of troublemakers that witnessed their interaction didn't like it in the slightest. Humming, four girls entered the classroom with their eyes locked on their pray. Little [y/n]. Those four weren't necessarily evil, just really, really petty.

"So," Girl A started. "you must love when people take care of your responsibilities."

She half-sat on [y/n]'s desk, her left leg secured on the desk while her right leg supported the rest of her body. Before [y/n]'s words left her mouth Girl B grabbed the artwork that was brought by her butler.

"Hmm? What's this?" She traced her fingers along the edges of the paper while observing [y/n]'s face. There was no emotion what-so-ever. Just a resting bitch face.

"Ugh." Girl D grabbed the art and placed her fingers to the middle of the paper, slightly leaning both sides away from each other. "I'll rip it."

She smirked, but just a moment before she ripped it, a new pair of hands snatched the art away. All five girls averted their eyes to the boy holding the art. Gasping, the four girls ran away from the classroom even if the bell was about to ring. The boy handed [y/n] her paper with a really small smile.

"Thanks, Ayato! I already thought you didn't come to school today!"

"Have you handed the paper to her?" The man asked.

"Yes, sir." Previously introduced butler responded.

"Thank you. Good thing I found it  on time." He smiled while reorganizing some papers scattered over the table.

"Sir, since you took longer than an hour trying to find her artwork and insisted on searching alone, we had to move the schedule." Butler said while handing him the new schedule.



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