Chapter 11 - Fallen

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Chapter 11 - Fallen

Gabriel snorted. "Come on. No way."

"Think about it!" I exclaimed. "The pieces all fit. Maddison was killed first, right after they got into an argument. Manny didn't want Daphne to know whatever Maddison was threatening to tell, you were there!"

Gabriel was still shaking his head, disbelieving. "And the others? What purpose does Manny have?"

"Look, I don't know," I admitted. "But you can't possibly ignore the fact that he left the game early today, and then there was someone in my house. That someone very possibly lurked the distance to the park and then shot Alicia."

"There's no solid evidence in that," Gabriel argued. "You didn't see who it was, and you didn't see them head towards the park. It could have even been two different people."

"We have solid evidence," I said quietly. "The tear in his shirt was found on scene. It will only take a match-up to confirm he was there to shoot Birdy."

Gabriel put his hand on his forehead, breathing in deeply.

"Manny wouldn't do that," he said weakly. "He wouldn't."

"I'm sorry." I pulled my knees up, resting my chin on them. "But you can't deny what's in front of us. You said it yourself, Manny's mental state has been deteriorating. Maybe there's been a reason."

The car's engine rumbled to a start below my feet.

"I'm going to go talk to him," Gabriel declared.

I lunged forward and put a hand on the steering wheel, stopping him from backing out of the parking space. "Are you crazy? And if he pulls a gun on you?"

"He wouldn't," Gabriel repeated.

I knew this state of denial. He wouldn't back out of it until he was proven wrong.

"Fine." I glanced at the time on the dashboard. Technically, it was still early. "I'll come with you."

He looked at me sharply.

"Are you sure?"

"If you're so sure he's innocent, why would I be in any danger?"

I had him there, and he turned away to face the road.

We arrived at Rose Road quickly, but Manny's house was dark. The curtains were drawn shut, and there was no sign of activity inside.

"His mom works late and his dad is usually in mainland," Gabriel explained. "I'll call him."

"You do that," I muttered.

I pressed up against the window, surveying the house. His floodlights had turned on when we pulled up, but otherwise, there had been no movement. There weren't any cars parked outside either.

"Hey," Gabriel was saying into his phone. "Where are you?"

I turned to watch him. He looked puzzled as Manny answered. "Do I need a reason? I'm bored, that's why, and your house is dark."

Silence. Then, "Impromptu beach bonfire?" Gabriel sounded bewildered and angry at the same time. "Didn't you hear Alicia Wertruse was just killed?"

His face shifted to something unreadable. He put a finger to his mouth, telling me to stay quiet, and put the phone on speaker.

"'re kidding, right?" Manny was saying. "She was killed? Shot? When?"

I heard heavy breathing on the other end, mingling with the sound of laughter in the background.

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