Down With The Sickness

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He grabbed my hand tightly and dragged me back inside as I struggled. He closed the door, and picked me up; throwing me over his shoulder. I thought I was going to the basement, until I saw him walk past the kitchen, and walk up the stairs instead.

"Let me go!" I yelled.

"Not a chance!" He mocked. He opened the door to mine and Jack's recording room.

"What the f*** are we doing in here!?" I yelled.

"Well," he started. "You haven't recorded anything in a month. So I figured, that maybe we would..." He got close to my ear. "Play a game." He kissed me again. He tied me to a chair, and gagged me with a cloth. I tried to scream but it was muffled. He walked to my computer.

He set up my camera and opened the programs for everything on my computer to make sure everything was copacetic. After syncing up the sound, turning on the face cam, and going to the Higher or Lower game, he started recording.

He copied Jack, and did his intro. "Wapish! Top o' the mornin' to ya laddies, my name is Antisepticeye and welcome to a...'different' type of video." He smiled and turned to me.

I struggled and looked at the camera. Anti slowly walked to me, and took the gag out of my mouth. "Say hello everyone!" He said.

"Alice! Caitlyn!" I yelled. "Anyone! Please help!" Anti rolled his eyes and slapped me. He took a knife out of his back pocket.

"So today," he said as he traced my cheekbones with the knife. "We're gonna play the Higher or Lower game. If I go to the next lovely Y/N will be safe, and nothing will happen to her." He kissed my cheek again, slowly.

"But," he said as he put the knife to my throat. "If I go to the game over screen," he pulled something out of his jacket. "I will have her drink this..."

I looked at what he had in his hand, and it was another jar of the liquid. It was full, and not opened. I started breathing heavy and spoke up.

"I'm not drinking that s***!" I said. "Now that I know what it does!"

"Well, good thing I called Madpat for some syringes." He said, playing with my hair. He pulled a syringe out of his jacket. My eyes went wide. He walked over to the computer, and started the game.

"Let's get started, shall we?" He hit play.

"What has more searches; Krispy Kreme, or the iPhone X?" He swerved the mouse between the 2 choices. My heart was pounding out of my chest.

"Let's go with the iPhone X." He clicked, and it moved to the next level. I sighed from relief, as Anti rolled his eyes.

"The iPhone X, or the Olympics?" He said. "Well, the Olympics are coming up, but will it be more than the iPhone?" He clicked 'higher' for the Olympics, but it was wrong. It went to the game over screen, and he jumped. I swung my head down in disappointment.

"Time for a little fun!" He exclaimed. He adjusted the camera to show what he was doing.

He set the jar of the liquid down on the desk, and opened it. He took the syringe out of his pocket, and filled it with the liquid. I felt sweat pour from my forehead.

"Anti, please. Don't do this!" I begged. "Try to find some human decency in yourself!"

"I have none of that sweetheart." He said as he closed the jar. "Now, where to inject this?"

He walked over and a creepy smile crept on his face. He slowly reached out to grab my arm, but I jerked it away as much I could. He then quickly reached out, and grabbed it forcefully. I watched as the needle pushed into the crook of my elbow, and all the liquid was pushed into my bloodstream. The pain of the needle was bad enough, but the liquid made the area burn and sting. I screamed.

Living In The Shadows (Sequel to Dark Corners) Anti X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now