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Chapter 6 - No Love Song for a Vampire

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Chapter 6

THEY WENT for a walk in the gardens. Vivienne didn't even know there were rose gardens behind Pearl Tower. She still couldn't believe it was really happening. The tall, dark man standing beside her was Blake. He was alive. He took her hand in his as they entered the garden, far from prying eyes. He felt solid to her - real. He truly wasn't a ghost. But as they were in her dream, his hands were cold.

"I looked for you everywhere," Blake said. "You changed your name."

"After you died my father couldn't find anyone willing to hire him," Vivienne answered. "So he changed our last name to start a new life in Lewisville."

"I'm sorry," Blake whispered. He pulled her into his arms and rested his chin on top of her head. "Now that I found you, I'm never letting you go. You're mine, forever." He paused and tilted her chin up. "Is that all right by you?"

Vivienne chuckled. "I have no complaints." She buried her face in his chest. It felt wonderful beyond words to finally feel his strong muscular body in her arms. She laid her cheek against his chest, searching for the beat of his heart. Before she was able to wrap her arms around him fully, Blake gently nudged her chin back up again. His eyes studied her inquisitively. His pupils seem to glow in the moonlight.

"Did they make you wear contacts too?" Vivienne asked. "No wonder I didn't recognize you." As soon as the question left her mouth, she started to realize no contact lens could produce the demonic light in his eyes.

Blake laughed softly. "And the red-hair threw you off too, right?" He ran a hand through his crimson curls. "I hate it. If you like, I'll change it back."

"Your leg," Vivienne suddenly interjected. "Did they fix that too?"

Blake shook his head. A glimpse of sadness flashed across his face. "Vivienne," Blake said. "There's so much I need to tell you." In the distance, the clock struck twelve. The last dance had ended. Blake slowly wrapped his hands around hers and urged her to follow him. "Come away from this place with me. My car is waiting."

"Oh, Blake," Vivienne whispered and shook her head. She felt tears forming in her eyes as she suddenly remembered Calbert. She lifted her lace sleeve and revealed the gold chain. "I can't go with you. I have to stay here. I already formed a bond."

Blake's brow suddenly furrowed. He squeezed her fingers desperately in his. "With who?"

"Calbert Henton, Lord Henton's nephew."

"I've never heard of him," Blake replied. "Good lord, Vivienne, what did they do to you?" He asked with barely restrained anger. He saw the tears forming in her eyes, and he immediately turned gentle again. "Don't worry. It doesn't matter; a bond can be broken. Let me take care of it. I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier. We'll free you from this Henton fellow."

"Can you?" Vivienne asked. "Madame Jyger says a bond can't be broken. But Blake, what does it matter? We can still be together. A bond with another can't stop me from being with you." Vivienne approached him and wrapped her arms around him. It was so strange to think the fragile boy she knew had grown up into this magnificent man.

He still had the curly locks of hair that easily fell into his eyes. Since she had last seen him, he had grown, standing a full head above her. His features had matured as well. His eyes were smaller, still green-blue, they would have looked predator-like, had she not once seen the kindness behind them. His features were more masculine now with age. His jaw was stronger, cheekbones more angular.

The softness of childhood was gone from his face. His shoulders were broader now, fortress-like, as though he could easily take her into his arms and protect her from every threat in the world.

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