Chapter 26: Do You Want Me To Take It Off?

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With Clare now further in the room, he knew he'd only have a brief moment to take the pills without her noticing. Opening one of the orange containers he downed a few anti-depressants and did it ever so carefully to avoid suspicion. However, across the room, Clare's voice echoed through the small space and then she appeared at the edge of the corridor.

"Did I hear something?"

"No, just taking some meds for a headache."

"Oh, okay. I think I'm going to follow your lead and take a shower as well can you hand me my bag?"

"For sure."

Picking up Clare's bag, James dangled it at his side, and Clare walked back down the little hallway snagging it from him before entering the washroom. Reversing roles, James was now standing in the hallway with just a towel on. Hesitating he knocked on the door, hoping he could get Clare's attention before she could get in the shower herself. When he knocked though he heard the water turn on and the familiar tapping was now muffled on the other side of the door.

Lowering his hand, all he could do now was stand there blankly as he began to consider his options. He didn't have enough clothes for the entire time of the trip if he put another shirt on. He also didn't feel like doubling up on the same day and take the chance of smelling like garbage if he happened to run into Hannah.

Then there was the other option of going in to get the clothes, which almost seemed the sanest as he put a hand on the door handle and in doing, so it made his heart beat faster. What are you doing James, you can't just walk in on her? He thought as he took his hand away from the handle and went back to the balcony to overlook the city.

Leaning on the railing outside, James didn't hear Clare come out of the bathroom, as the door to the balcony slid open once more, and she leaned against the threshold.

"Hey, tiger."

James turned around to see Clare behind him, now fully dressed. She had the tights she had on from earlier, but instead of the white tank top, it had now been replaced by James' shirt which looked huge on her. In her hands though she was holding James' pants, and threw them out on the balcony, closing the door which was then followed by the curtain on the other side.

"Put some pants on then you can come in."

Clare's muffled voice said from the other side of the door. James took the hint and methodically slid the pant legs on while doing his best to keep the towel on himself until he was completely covered from the waist down and returned to the hotel room.

As he entered Clare was laying on the bed, watching TV with her back right up against the backboard.

"Hey, stud."

"Hey, thanks for my pants."

"No problem, good to see a breeze didn't come and end up with you giving the world a show."

"Yea anyways are you wearing my shirt?"

Clare looked down at the shirt and smiled then looked back up at James, and gave him a playful smirk.

"Maybe. Why do you want it back?"

"Yea kinda."

"Then I guess you'll have to come and take it off me."

His heart started to beat faster again at the sound of her threat, and the smirk on the girl's face wasn't helping as it reinforced her sensual retort. She patted the bed beside her causing James to slowly walk over before sitting down beside her. The flirtatious smile on Clare's face became even more intriguing as she started pulling at the bottom of the shirt, revealing her belly button.

The girl had him now, as he struggled to fight his primal urges. James crawled on top of her, but she was too quick as she used her entire body mass to flip James over so that she was on top of him. Her grin was still teasing him as her hands found their way onto his bare chest and began to feel him up as he moved his hands down to the bottom of her shirt and he started to raise it.

Feeling the fabric sliding up, Clare's hands moved back to the shirt as she playfully tugged it back down. To which she then gave James another tempting smirk and moved his hands off the fabric so she could replace them with hers.

"Do you want me to take it off?"


His cheeks turned red, as Clare gave him one last playful smile before she started pulling the shirt back up. Time slowed down for James, as her flesh began to show itself to him until it was passed her belly button again, going a little bit higher when suddenly her rolled up white tank top appeared again.

James' lustful gaze upon the girl quickly changed to an unimpressed stare as she pulled the shirt over her head and her wet hair draped back down onto her shoulders.

"Like what you see?"

The sensuous tone that she had just been using was now interlaced with a subtle giggle as she unrolled the white tank top.

"Yea very amusing."

"Glad you liked it."

"You're such a tease."

Not letting another second pass, she bent over and kissed him. James though still aroused by her display, couldn't help but grab the edge of her tank top and slowly creep it up in what was a final attempt. However he didn't get very far though, causing the kiss to stop, but they left their lips connected.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Her eyes were now giving him a sinister gaze as she breathed the words into his mouth, her hands also moved to his and gripped them violently digging her nails into his wrists.

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