Chapter 3

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Hellew people!

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I had been thinking of that dream and it's been two days already. I have an idea of what he meant by I have little time left. I think he's going to take me, he can't take me by will, so he'll surely force me, and I have an idea on how to deal with that. After all, it's pretty low for such and strong and feared villain to kidnap someone, without having the want to torture them, it's humiliating.

I jumped on the couch as my sister Aliza hit my back, hard.

"Sis, you out?" She asked.

"I am not out" I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Are you okay (y/n)? You have been zoning out quite a lot these days" Rozy said.

"Yeah yeah, I'm good, I have been thinking about a dream I had sometime ago." I laughed slightly pointing a finger to my temple "You know how they are, spooky, idiotic and weird."

She paled and said "o-okay".

I told my family about a dream once, in high explicit details, I was in a haunted house with ghosts, I was really scared, though I exaggerated a bit about my dream, but the reaction on everyone's face was priceless. If they were scared by just listening, god knows what would have happened if they were in my place in that dream. Needless to say, they never nominated to hear my dreams again, that fact pained me, but it's alright. I don't want them to think I'm crazy, though my subconsciousness may be, I am not quite sure myself either about my sanity.

Anyways, we were watching TV on the couch, a new movie. Aliza was eating popcorns along with Sonia and I was sharing mine with Ayana. From left to right, it was Sonia, Aliza, me and Rozy. On the ground were sitting, Imran in front of Sonia, next to him Ray, in front of Aliza, leaning on her legs, next was Henry, leaning in the space below since I was sitting Indian style on the couch. Marco was sitting busy staring lovestruck at my sister Rozy. Tony was sitting with her boyfriend on the love seat, her boyfriend is Prince, who was our classmate in 8th grade. They both shared popcorn and drinks, and Prince despite having the name is not one, he is pretty sweet though and easily takes any insults thrown at him. Mom and dad were out.

We watched Avengers: Infinity War. It was a fun movie, I love MCU, it is so cool. Suddenly, just as the final credits rolled out, I got the feeling of being watched, but this time, I very well knew who was the stalker, Black Hat. I shivered.

"Guys, I think someone is watching us" I gulped, they would believe me, because they think I can see ghosts, kind of funny sometimes, especially when we watch horror movies or I want to be alone in the dark.

"What!?! Who!?!" Sonia yelled clutching Imran around his neck, half choking him.

"How am I supposed to know!? It could be a killer!!" I put my hands on my cheeks in fake fear. "We should shut the windows and blinds!"

They all nodded and scrambled up, going to all the windows and locked them and blinded them. Now Black Hat, what will you do? I smirked.

"N-now is everything good?" Aliza asked trembling.

I nodded with a soft smile, "yes". They all sighed of relief but tensed up as we heard the doorbell ring. They all secretly pleaded to me. I was afraid, what if it's you-know-who? With silent steps, I went to the front door and peeked out through the hole, only to see mom and dad. I freaked out even more. Shoot!

I looked at everyone and back at the door.

"Mama, Papa, is that you?" I said loudly to make myself clear to the other residents of the room.

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