Part 20.

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Carl had disappeared. Whether because Miller was having someone over or for an entirely different reason. Miller didn't care, as long as he wasn't in eyes view he didn't care one bit. What did pull on Miller's nerves was the fact that he had to clean up Carl's mess.

He wasn't cleaning it up because Carl said so. No, he was doing it because Eric was coming over and he was all about keeping the house clean. As he wiped the last of the counter he wondered what Carl was trying to make. Was he perhaps trying to bake something. Whatever it was tasted horrible, not worthy of being consumed or even baked. It shouldn't even exist.

Miller wiped his brow, looking at a job well done. Just in time he heard the doorbell rang. Eric was finally here and Miller couldn't be happier. Walking out the kitchen he saw Carl mindlessly walking about upstairs, lost in his thoughts as he bit on his thumb. He just keeps getting weirder and weirder Miller thought.

Miller ignored him, if he wasn't getting in his way then there shall be no sorts of problem. Opening the door, Miller exposed a nervous Eric. The man frantically looked around.

"You look a mess" Miller said, allowing Eric to enter. He looked around in aw. Admiring every inch of the house.

"Rich people are on an entirely different level" Eric said, taking his hands from his pocket and gesturing around the room.

"Tell me about it" Miller said. This house would only be a figment of his imagination. Yet, here he was living in one.

Eric followed Miller into the living area. His eyes finding something fascinating on the way. Miller had glance back upstairs, Carl was out of sight. If Eric encountered him Miller wondered what he would do. If he was that on edge on the phone, imagine face to face. Miller chuckled at the sight to behold. But that wasn't the problem here, he needed to know about Cameron and in order for him to do that he couldn't have him interfering with that. Staying at his house wasn't the best idea; a risk worth taking.

Miller knew full well that half of him bought Eric over to upset Carl. The other half not so much. He threw himself into the comfort of the sofa. Eric gingerly sat beside him.

"I need to get back out there" Miller sighed, ruffling his brunette hair in the process. What happened in the kitchen earlier was still fresh in his mind. The way he was drooling over Carl. Thee Carl, his enemy and not someone entirely different. If it was someone else then maybe he could accept the fact that he was staring non stop.

"If you did then you would've hand out with me last weekend" Eric replied, getting more comfortable in his surrounding.

Miller rolled his eyes. Eric was still upset over such a small thing. "I'm serious. I'm starting to think---" Miller cut himself short not wanting to admit his source of distress.

"If you don't say it how am I going to know"

Miller took a deep breath. "I'm starting to think Carl is hot" the words were harder to admit. Eric gaped, whiping his head around to look at Miller. "He took off his shirt and I stared for a full minute even more, blushing like a damn fool. Same as that time our lips accidentally brushed" Miller almost sounded like he was whispering.

Eric took a moment to process what Miller was saying. The side of his lip tugging into a smirk "Does that mean--"

"It doesn't mean anything" Miller beat him to it. "This is just a one time thing. It was sudden and I didn't know what to do"

Eric stood before Miller. "Let's try something out" Eric pulled his shirt off, revealing his muscled body. He wasn't as toned as Carl but he was still fit. "How do you feel?"

"Nothing" Miller said blatantly. Eric was good looking no doubt but he didn't feel the sudden heat on his cheek when he looked at him. He's seen Eric strip down to just his boxers before, the scene was very familiar. "I've seen you top less many times before"

"Would you prefer another guy to strip for you, preferably Carl" Eric teased, earning him a kick in the shin.

"That's for what you said" Miller landed another one. "And that's for the porn magazine"

"I'm going home" Eric said, limping as he tried to walk away. "I'm not telling you about Mission 101"

Miller jumped to his feet and gave Eric a back hug, trying to stop his movements in the process. "You can't do that" Miller said. "I'm sure you want to see Cameron too" Miller knew his dear friend Eric had a thing for Cameron.

"I can meet him on my own" Eric said, struggling to move his foot as Miller wrapped both his legs around Eric, weighing him down.

As if he was waiting for this exact moment, Carl walked in on an awkward situation. He froze in spot as he saw Miller hanging on to a top less Eric. Eric could think of many different ways to meet the CEO but this wasn't one of them.

"What do you want?" Miller scowled as he got down from off of Eric. He took the opportunity to put his shirt back on.

Carl ignored Miller instead looking at Eric. "Who are you?"

Eric was flustered for a bit. "Eric, Miller's friend"

Carl smiled, talking Eric's extended hand. Looking towards Miller he said "he hasn't told me anything about you"

"I-Is that so" Eric stuttered, not knowing whether that was a good thing or bad thing.

"Well then" Carl kept his smile. It wasn't a genuine one like for the past few days. "Make yourself at home"

He walked passed the two, grabbing something from the fridge then left. Miller wanted to wipe that smug off his face.

"Just what is he up to" Miller muttered to himself.


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