Chapter 32

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The rest of the days were just fine until the day for the business trip came. I had to convince Sama and Joe to let me go as this was an important trip. I somehow managed to escape from their questions and inquiries about the trip.

I arrived late at the airport but thanks to Aron who was pretty cool about it. He had his private jet which could wait and work on his demand. Yes, I am traveling on a private jet one more time. I remember the last time when I sat on one. It was his. Even I was his and protected.... I thought.

Ew! What are you thinking? Have you lost your mind? Don't think about him and the cringing memories you had with him. Love is shit. We both know.

We are one.

Bitch I said this much and you only catch up to that? Seriously?

Shut up!

Aron was busy arranging the files on his laptop while I edited some on mine. I got this laptop from his company. His company isn't bad. In fact, it's comfortable. I like the way everyone gives no shit about what others do and care about their own business.

I felt dizzy while standing on the plane and not to make anyone suspicious about my pregnancy I avoided standing up the most. It's not that they won't know sooner but I don't want to tell them just yet. Aron's plane is smaller than Cayden's. But it looks more decent than his plane. There's a staff in the kitchen handling all the drinks and other eating items. So there's not much need to get up and do anything.

I was most of the time thirsty and mostly asked for a glass of water or juice. Aron asked me about having alcohol but I declined. I can't risk my child's health.

Sooner we arrived in Paris which I must say looked eye-catching. I want to explore this place but that is if we were on a vacation. We will finish our meetings and go back in no time.

Aron walked in front of me and I had his schedule in hand. I don't know why I am even carrying this when he knows everything that is to do in a day.

" We will first go freshen up and then later meet at the hall." Aron announced once we reached our hotel which was so huge and only businessmen come here. Everything looked so good and arranged. The staff in here was efficient in what it was doing. I must say some people are lucky to even work at a place like this.

We were given our rooms and then left alone. The moment I turned around to look at my room, I was shocked. Like seriously? How can this room be so huge and beautiful? What did I ever do to deserve such luxury? The bathroom was also huge and dreamy. I stripped out of my clothes and jumped in the bathtub.

When I was done with bathing and wearing my pajamas, I realized that I was hungry. My stomach growled loudly. And I'm not sure if we can make a room service or they'll themselves bring you food. I was just thinking what to do when I heard my doorbell. I literally ran towards the door in hopes of room service bringing me food. But it turned out to be Aron. He stood there in his suit and polished shoes with a great face.


Am I checking him out?

No, I'm not!

"Done?" he asked. What done?

" Done what?" I asked him. He smirked before entering my room without asking my permission.

" Wait why are you in my room? And how did you know my room is where?" I asked him again while walking behind him. He sat on the sofa and switched on the T.V. What the?

" Sit already." he said tapping the sofa with his hand. His eyes were fixed on the T.V. Ugh? What's with him? I sat on the side of the sofa but kept our distance. I was about to question his sudden arrival in my room but the doorbell interrupted me. I walked towards the door and opened it to find a lady with a huge tray in hand. It was food. Thank god.

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