Never sneek into ones home

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Lucy watched as Hyde left the Red Rat, his hat atop his head. She watched him wondering where his where-a-bouts were. She had worked there for a while and got to know almost everyone there and some of their where-a-bouts, sometimes even seeing some of them outside the Red Rat. But not Hyde, one day he just showed up and now he come almost every weekend; sometimes on a weekday. He was a misery she had to uncover. He talked to her every time he came, flirting with a couple of drinks and he was on his way. Days after talking to him and she still had learned little to nothing about him. Not knowing the reason at the time she got up and went outside.

She had just got out the door to see Hyde smoking, he stomped on his cigar and walked down the street. Lucy tired to call his name but he didn't seem to hear her. Without knowing why,she started walking his way. She didn't know the reason, but she started to follow him. Perhaps it was wanting to know his wonderings but she wasn't sure nor cared. It was quite and cold. She huged herself trying to hide from the cold. Her dress flicked in the wind as she walked. She made sure not to let him know she was there, hiding behind buildings every so often. The walk to his home wasn't that far, only a couple blocks away. When they got there Lucy hid behind a building next it Hyde's home. Hyde tock the house key from under the mat and unlocked the door stepping inside not even locking the door. You would think he would be more careful, this is London for all he knew someone could easily break in but nope. Careless he was.

She peered over to see the mail box, there on it painted in black was the address. She thought she had seen this address before. She tock out her purse and tock out a card Henry Jekyll had given her. She had been trying to win that mans heart for so long, but he only wanted to be friends. She looked at the card and then at the mail box. Yep. Same address. What was Hyde doing and Dr.Jekyll's home? Were they friends? She heard Utterson had no liked Hyde very well so that would have been a little strange. Based on what she has seen Jekyll and utterson trusted each other so why would Jekyll be friends with someone utterson didn't trust? She looked up and stepped inside the house.

As soon as she stepped inside she regretted it. She was in a mans home, a man she didn't even know that well. Though she had to amid it was quiet warm and she wasn't as cold anymore. She looked up and saw she was in the living room. Some tables and chairs set about. It was a nice home. She walked around looking and all the little things around the room, then she noticed the lab. She gazed at the white open door. She walked over to it slowly in fear of her heels making to much sound. She peered into the lab to see Hyde drinking something. The liquid was blue and it fuzzed in this weird way that seemed forced.

It happed. He saw her. His gaze locked on her. She turns and ran. As fast as she could. No looking back. She ran out the door her heart beating. She tried to breath but couldn't. As she ran she missed the Red Rat so she ran home in fear. When she got back home she had to sit down and think about the mess she got into. What if she sees him again? What if he's mad? What should she do? She wasn't sure. In her shock and fear she changed out of her show clothes and went to bed. She had to sleep on this.

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