Chapter 4

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^^ Mia's Grandparents

It's been a week since I have announced my vacation and the majority of my fans have been very supportive of my decision. Although critics call my vacation, "Running away from my problems," these words are honestly the least of my problem. My problem is my mother, she hates the idea of this contest because she thinks that the winner might "ruin the show," which I beg a differ because the amount of talent I have seen on Instagram is incredible. My fans deserve to share their talents to the world, my mom is just a perfectionist and wants no body to get in her way. 

"Alright sweetie I'm off to bora bora, maybe I can find my self some man candy. Sofia take care of Mia, you know how reckless she can be." She says. My mom blows me a kiss and grabs her luggage as she gets into her Uber.

 "Ugh thank god I get this vacation away from her.. Few more months and I'm gonna turn eighteen. Then I can find myself a new manager." I say while packing my luggage into Sofia's car.

 "I'm excited to see all these Australian hotties. Ugh their accents make me wanna-"

 " SOFIA", I say interrupting whatever her dirty mouth was about to say. 

"God Mia you need to let loose. Like c'mon when was the last time you had a boyfriend or let alone hook up with anybody." Sofia says as she starts the car.

 "Sofia, I have never had my first kiss let alone a boyfriend. I mean there was Matthew but that was just for publicity." I sigh as Sofia drives to the airport. 

"Wait really?!? You and Matthew never kissed? Wow you are such a good actress." She says as she puts her sunglasses on.

 "Okay can we not talk about my love life.. it's dry like them KFC biscuits you get." I laugh as Sofia joins me.

We arrived to the airport an hour ago and Sofia helped me put on the disguise in the girls bathroom. 

"Okay Maya Walters remember, keep your disguise on at all times. Even when you see your dad." Sofia says as she fixes my wig.

 The paparazzi saw us come into the airport but the police stopped them from coming in. We made sure that we weren't being followed so they wonder about my disappearance all of the sudden.

 *Last call for all passengers flying to Norfolk, Virginia*

"Alrighty chica, make me proud. Also her take this." She says while handing me a new iphone7. "You need to keep your phone and this phone to split up your two lives. One to contact me as well as post pics of Australia. Obviously pictures sent by yours truly, and another to give your number to any friends you make. OR any cute guys that wanna  hit you up." I roll my eyes at that last comment. 

"Alright bye Sofia I love you." I say while giving hear a hug.

 "Bye my Mami Mia, make me proud and use protection." I turn around and glare at her while she sends me a wink. Welp time to live the life I have always wanted.

The flight to about 7 hours and now I'm in the baggage claim trying to find my dad. I see him with his hands in his pockets along with my grandparents. Grandma looks so worried while grandpa is trying to calm her down. He is holding sunflowers: which are my favorite. 

"Bob, what if she goes missing oh my goodness that poor thing, running away from that monster of a mother. John should've never let Mia move with her. I would have taken good care of Mia." My grandma says while rambling to my grandpa. 

"Carol she is going to be fine, I think she is in her disguise so the paparazzi doesn't find her." He says trying to calm her down.

 "Hey pops. Hope you like the new look." I say while walking up to them. 

"Oh my goodness look at you, so beautiful. I haven't seen you since you were ten years old. Look how big you are." Grandma says while hugging me. I swear I love her but I feel like she is turning my insides into mush.

 "Mom let go of the poor girl." My dad says as he tries to loosen her grasp. 

"Oh I'm sorry dear it's just oh goodness it's been too long how come you have never came to visit us." My grandma sobs as she holds on to my grandpa. 

"I'm sorry grandma but you know how my mom is, I can barely call you guys without her on my case." I say trying not to tear up. 

"I'm sorry kiddo, I wish you came with me. Your life would have been so much better." My dad says as he hugs me. 

"It's not your fault dad." I say while wiping away a tear. "Besides, I wouldn't be where I am today without your guy's support." I smile as I look at grandpa. "Hm sunflowers.. thank you so much, I'm happy you still remembered that those were my favorite." I say while hugging him.

 "Of course deary, how could I forget? When you were little you used to pick the from our garden yourself and that one boy used to always give them to you. Now what was his name?" He questions. 

"Oh Mr. Andrew's boy. Uhm what was his name?"Grandma says while trying to think of the name. 

"Ace. Ace Andrews, quite the trouble maker. He is the captain of the football team at the high school your attending. Great kid but he has done some terrible things, well so I have heard." My dad says while shaking his head. 

"Really? But he was so sweet as a kid?" I said as we begin to walk away after I grabbed my luggage. 

"He is a player Mia.. he dated one of my customers and she was heartbroken for a whole month after they broke up. Apparently it was just a hook up, but man that poor girl would always bawl her eyes out when she came to pick up her car." He said while giving me a sad glance. 

"Oh no.. my granddaughter will not go near that boy. Isn't that right Mia?" Grandma says as she gives me a stern look. 

"Sigh.. yes grandma." I said. Guess I can't rekindle that friendship.. 

"Good.. now hurry up and drive home John. The faster we leave, the faster I can make Mia my famous chocolate chip cookies." She says while grabbing my hand.

Is Ace really that bad?

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