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Sunday 7:23 AM

me: good morning lil brat who likes to disrupt my slumber

seagull oppa: good morning :))

me: i am surprised you are up this early considering how late you slept

seagull oppa: i am going back to sleep soon

me: wow, must be nice

seagull oppa: hehe

seagull oppa: when does your shift start?

me: like in a few minutes

seagull oppa: aw

seagull oppa: it is so early

seagull oppa: have you eaten yet?

me: yeah, i did earlier

seagull oppa: good

me: yeah, i gotta go now

seagull oppa: alright

seagull oppa: work hard and be safe!!

me: i will try my best

seagull oppa:

Sunday 11:11 AM

seagull oppa: babababy! it is 11:11, make a wish!!

me: i wish to be at home sleeping

seagull oppa: aww bbay

seagull oppa: when does your shift end?

me: less than an hour

seagull oppa: you're almost there, you'll make it

me: hopefully

seagull oppa: what are you doing after work?

me: going home

me: what do you have to do today?

seagull oppa: stuff

me: oh my lordie, that is so specific

seagull oppa: i know

me: wow

seagull oppa:

me: no

me: i don't want it

seagull oppa: rude

me: thank you

me: i have to go back to work

seagull oppa: alright, i will text you later

Sunday 1:58 PM

seagull oppa: hey

me: hi

seagull oppa: what are you doing?

me: i am having a midlife crisis

seagull oppa: you are 20

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