Chapter Sixteen

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   "What? Why not?"

   "As long as there's still a threat from the Rogues, you're going to have your guard." Emerson crossed his arms.

   "There haven't been any sightings of them for three weeks. There have been no attacks anywhere! There's been no word from them at all. It won't hurt if you dismiss at least half of them." Madeline glared.

   "You said it yourself that there's a war coming. The moment that I cut your guard in half, there's going to be an attack and you'll most likely end up in the middle of it and you'll end up back in that infirmary room, or worse, a grave. So no. You will be keeping your guard until the Rogues have been eliminated. This is not up for debate Madeline, so drop it!"

   "But there are always going to be Rogues!" She Exclaimed, "You might be able to kill off the masses, but there are always going to Rogues out there, wanting revenge or whatever the hell else they want! What are you going to do then hm? Assign another ten guards to follow me around? Twenty? Thirty? I have no privacy! They follow me around everywhere and report everything I do! I can't even piss without one of them standing in front of the bathroom door, listening in!"

   Curious wolves popped their heads into the kitchen to see what the commotion was, but instantly left when they realized it was their Alpha and Luna arguing. The cooks had left at the first sign of their arguing, so they were left alone in the kitchen. But they weren't really alone because almost everyone in the Pack House could hear them, and most likely wolves nearby the House.

   "They are here for your safety! So yes, it means you don't have the privacy you're so used to but it also means that you are protected! So you need to shove aside your complaints and realize that it's worth it if it means you are safe!" Emerson bellowed at her.

   "Why do you care so much about my wellbeing? When I first arrived, you couldn't wait to get rid of me! So why the hell do you care now?"

   Emerson felt like he was going to explode she made him so angry. "Because I just do damnit! I care about you and I don't want you hurt! And you are the Luna of this Pack! The Pack needs you just as much as I do!"

   His plans to distance himself from his mate and stop his growing feeling had ultimately failed. Ha hadn't kicked her out of their room, as he had meant too. He hadn't quick talking to her, as he meant too. And he hadn't hardened his heart, as he had meant too.

   He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He leaned against the table and closed his eyes. He opened them only when soft arms wrapped around his waist. He wrapped his arms around Madeline without hesitation. She molded into his body and he kissed the top of her head.

   "Only until this is all over. Then I just want Ricardo and Isaiah." She murmured into his shirt.

   He brushed back her hair. "Fine."

   Compromise. He could do that.

   He tilted his head up as someone walked in. Not someone. Brandon.

   "Is it safe to come in now? We're all hungry. Especially me. I missed breakfast because of a meeting."

   "You have your own house. Why didn't you just go home and eat something?" Asked Emerson.

   Madeline laughed and pinched his side. "Yes, it's safe now Brandon. We won't keep you from your lunch any longer."

   Brandon told the news the other wolves and they all came filing back in. the cooks resumed making lunch, and they all took their seats at the table. The wolves sat after their Alpha and Luna did.

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