Isen's gift

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Farrah stayed frozen in her spot for what felt like hours. When Isen had wandered off to gather wood for a fire he had put together, she spread out and laid on the ground to soothe her sore muscles. There was no way she could escape without running into him along the way, and what if he suddenly decided he wanted to eat her right then and there? She couldn't take that risk. If lying still like a petrified rat was saving her skin so far, she would continue to do so.

Isen returned with a heavy tree trunk tucked underneath one arm. He laid it down gently and sat on the ground crossed leg across the fire pit from Farrah. She expected him to say something, but he just stayed silent, like he was expecting her to initiate a conversation. She had no choice.

"You should probably leave. I have to get dressed."


"...because I have no clothes on."

"Neither do I."

Farrah sighed loudly, wrapping her arms tighter around her legs, "You have fur. I'm hairless." Isen didn't seem to understand why Farrah was so eager to shield her body from him. He reached out for the trunk and dug his claws into the hard surface, ripping bits and pieces of the tree apart with ease.

"If I make you something to wear, will you come closer?"

"Only if you swear that you won't hurt me."

Farrah felt a little more relaxed when Isen gave a quick nod of agreement, and she found herself scootching a tiny bit closer towards the curious beast. She watched intently as he grabbed two pieces of wood and held it up before him.

Farrah's jaw dropped to the ground as she watched blue waves of energy begin to radiate from his claws. It devoured the pieces of wood and seemed to be melting the material. She was about to shoot up and hide behind a bush, but what happened next kept her firm on the ground in bewilderment.

The wood wasn't melting, it was transforming into...a dress? Farrah blinked a couple of times, trying to make sure that what she was seeing was real. 

Her bewilderment soon transformed into fascination as a beautiful lilac colored dress was draped over the top of her knees. She let go of her legs and took the soft fabric in her hands, feeling it slowly with wide eyes. She glanced up at Isen, who only tossed the rest of the wood pieces into the hungry fire with little reaction.

"What are you?" Farrah asked in a low voice, still clutching the outfit close to her body. Isen tapped a long nail against his hard jaw, trying to figure out an appropriate response to her question. He eventually shrugged, shaking his head like it wasn't important. "I have been here ever since the purification." He glanced up at the starry sky, "Things are much more different down here."

"What? What purification? You're an alien, aren't you? What am I saying...of course you are." Farrah's head was now filled with so many questions. She wanted to know every little thing about the creature that called himself Isen, but she didn't know if her curiosity would be sated or if he would be willing to answer her. "How do you know how to talk like us? Where were the other people you ran into to? Did you see where they went or did they tell you-?"

Isen snorted loudly, a hot steam of air escaping from his mouth and fading into the freezing night. Farrah remained silent and turned away. She focused on the fire a while before picking up the dress and pouring it over her head. It was a perfect fit, and she was thankful that she didn't have to feel so uncomfortable now. 

"One question a day is fine with me." Isen finally responded, turning to the dressed woman beside him. She nodded in return and outstretched her thin legs, staring at the fire's light reflecting off her dry skin.

"I think I want to know why you look so creepy."

"I can ask you the same thing." 

Farrah scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest as she started to gain a little more confidence, "Excuse me, but I look normal. You're a monster that jumped out of some fucked up horror movie."

"And you are a hairy ape that jumped out of the zoo."

Farrah felt like she had just gotten hit on the head with a frying pan. She immediately tucked her legs underneath her and tried her best to shield them with the hem of her dress. "You try being human and living with nothing for so many years. Maybe then you'd be more understanding."

"Why are you offended? Would it be better if I called you a bear, or a-?"

It was Farrah's turn to snort, and she tried to hide the fact that she was feeling very self-conscious at the moment, "You don't call a lady a hairy anything- even if she is a bit fuzzy!"

Isen didn't seem to understand why it was wrong to state an obvious fact. He would have to make a mental note of what she had said and find some way to fix his mistake. "I apologize. What can I do to make it better?"

Farrah didn't know what to respond, as her pride was already damaged. She shrugged, chewing on the inside of her mouth as she stared at the floor. "I don't know. Maybe something like shampoo, a brush...maybe a razor or two?"

"Is it because of what I said?"

"No. Just let it go."

Isen nodded and suddenly straightened up, turning his head towards the entrance of the town.
He then stood and stretched out his wings, accidentally smacking the side of Farrah's face and nearly giving her a heart attack.

"Tomorrow night I will come back with what you need. Farewell, Farrah."

The young woman recovered herself, asking with a questioning stare, "You're going now?"

"Yes. The sun will come up."

"Oh, okay. Bye." Farrah gave the beast an awkward wave, watching it drop on all fours and trot towards the shattered gate.

For a moment she just stood there, staring at the quiet environment and trying to digest everything that had just happened.

"Wow. I just made contact with an alien." She breathed out, falling on to the ground as the weight of reality fell upon her.

She was alive.

He didn't kill her.

He was coming back.

Farrah hadn't spoken with anyone in so long, she felt that her excitement was merely because someone could finally respond to her and carry a conversation. But it wasn't just anyone. It was a creature. A real creature from the sky.

Could she really trust him? What if he was just playing around and planned to kill her while she slept? Farrah shook her head, trying to shake the negativity away from her thoughts. No, she would be ready if anything bad happened.

A loud whine coming from inside her stomach reminded her of the meal she had been preparing earlier on the day. No doubt it was cold and dried up- very unappetizing. She grumbled and decided to put out the fire before discovering what had become of her stew.

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