2. Gasoline

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"God, he is the absolute worst human being on the face of the planet!"

"Calm down Scar," my friend, Jess, said urgently. She knew how I got when I was mad.

"I get he's a jerk but,"

"He's more than just a jerk! He's a full-blown misogynist and he needs to die," I shouted a bit.

"Okay that's a little extreme," said Jess.

"He needs to be seriously injured?"

"Slightly injured," Jess said in a serious voice.

"Okay slightly injured," we mutually agreed.

Ryan was the nastiest, cockiest guy who everyone found attractive so he was rarely put in his place. He always talked down to women like we were helpless little beings. One time, Jess was wearing this low-cut shirt and a he walked right up to her, smiled, and zipped up her fucking hoodie to cover he cleavage. So, I walked up to him, smiled, and kicked him in his fucking balls. I got suspended for a day but it was totally worth it. Oh yeah, and when the vice principal asked me why I did it I told him that I didn't want him reproducing. She kind of laughed a little bit but I still got suspended.

We breezed past Ryan in the hallway. Every time he saw me he would get this scared look in his eye. Probably because I knew exactly what he was.

"Hey guys," Clara walked up to us, her blonde hair bouncing around in her messy bun on the top of her hair, "I'm skipping tomorrow to go to the beach. I got to go get a head start on my tan so I don't look like a lobster for the first few weeks of summer. You guys want to come?"

"Sure," Jess chimed in.

"Cool, what about you, Scar?"

I did want to go but I had a huge test the next day and it would've been a bitch to make up.

"Sorry, I have that test for Lev's class. Definitely hit me up once its summer. I'm a huge slut for the ocean," I didn't know why I ever said things like that. I didn't even make any sense, but, whatever.

"Lol, good luck with your test," Clara said, "Jess and I will bring you back a bucket of ocean water you can make love to later then."

They both laughed as they walked away to the class they had together that period. I continued down the hallway. The bell had already rung but I needed to get something from my locker before class started. I was standing in front of my locker when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey Red," I knew that voice. That voice made me want to vomit.

"What brings the displeasure of getting to talk to you, Ryan?" My heart started racing like it did when something pissed me off.

"Listen you little bitch," he leaned in, "I don't want you thinking you're tough shit just because you managed a cheap shot one time," he was getting uncomfortably close to my face, "If you so much as breath in a way I don't like, I'll make you the most unfuckable girl in the grade, or I can just rape you and tell everyone you were asking for it. Everybody knows you're a slut anyway." I glared at him and smirked a little bit. Had he not realized?

In a single second, I lifted my leg up in a swift motion, kneeing him right in the nut sack. I couldn't believe he had his legs open like he was totally asking for it. I pushed his hunched over body aside. I needed to get to class.


"I can't believe you got suspended again Scarlet! What were you thinking? Do you know what this could do to your permanent record? What college is going to accept you with all of these suspensions?" My mother went on and on about the repercussions of my actions or whatever.

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