Chapter 5: Betrayal

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  I woke up while it was still dark. I looked around. Something had woken me up. It was pitch black in the house so I couldn't see anything. I got up slowly, making sure to not wake up Kyle or step on Miranda. I looked over to where Cory was. He was asleep. So was Morgan. I looked at the recliner that was by Cory. Felix was gone. That worried me far more then it should have. There was that feeling again too. The feeling I had in my gut before we went into the hospital. There was something off.

  I walked around downstairs trying to find Felix. He definitely wasn't anywhere downstairs. I walked over to the stairs. That meant he must be either upstairs or he made a run for it. I was going to guess he was upstairs. I made my way up the stairs slowly. When I got to the top of the stairs I saw there was a light coming from a room at the end of the hall. When I was up here earlier I thought that the room was a...

  I gasped when I realized what Felix was doing. The room he was in was definitely a gun room. I reached for the gun that I had in my belt. My other hand also hovered over my knife I had. If he was going to do what I thought he was going to do then I would have to be fast. Maybe I should go downstairs and get the other-.

  My thoughts were cut off when I heard the doorknob click. There was no time to get anyone know. I dived into the room to my left. I peeked around the corner and saw that Felix had a pistol in his hand and a shotgun strapped to his back. Oh God. He was going to try and kill us. I knew he was evil.

  I had to decide if I was going to try and shoot him or just attack him. Felix started walking towards the stairs before I had the chance to think. Oh my God if he kept walking he would definitely see me. I had to act before it was too late. Felix got right by the entrance of the room and I saw his eyes dart to me instantly.

  I jumped out from the room and tackled Felix to the ground. I heard the gun go off. It was quiet though. That little bitch had a silencer on the gun, damn! I pushed Felix's head against the wall in an attempt to get him to stop fighting. Felix was ready for it though and was able to flip me off of him. I hit the ground on my stomach and dropped my gun and knife. I scrambled to grab them. Felix grabbed my hair and pulled me back. I felt a knife slip under my neck.

  "You bitch! Let me go Felix!" I said. I felt the knife press into my neck a little.

  "No! You should have kept to yourself and stayed downstairs! Why the hell did you follow me up here?" Felix asked. The knife was going deeper into me. Luckily the knife was pretty dull.

  "I wasn't just going to sit down there and wait for you to kill my friends and I!" I said.

  "Well either way it looks like you are going to die and so will your friends," Felix said. I heard something in his voice. Anger? Maybe hatred?

  I summoned all of my strength and flipped Felix off of me. I felt the knife cut into my skin a little and I felt blood dribble down my neck. I tried to grab the knife from Felix but something nailed me in the eye. I fell backwards and laid there for a moment trying to catch my breath. I felt Felix stomp on my stomach and I moaned in pain.

  "Like I said, you should have stayed out of this," Felix said. I heard a gun click. Oh shit, I was a second away from dying. I kicked out with my foot and made contact with one of Felix's body parts. Judging by how he yelled in pain and thudded to the floor I'm going to guess I kicked him in the balls.

  I sat up slowly and crawled over to where Felix was laying on his back moaning.

  "That's why you don't mess with a female's friends and her boyfriend," I said grabbing his guns and knife.

  I found some rope and tied Felix to a chair. He was going to have to wait until morning for us to figure out what to do with him. For one he gave me a black eye, almost cut open my throat all the way, brought my headache back, and made me feel like I was going to throw up.

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