Chapter 12

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I went back to hell and saw Vain drinking some scotch on our mini bar counter. I walk right to him and sat beside him. I grab his drink from his hand and took a sip from the alcohol.

"What got into you?" I asked him, he don't usually drink unless it's business matter or he have big problems.

"I found out that Kayla is the guardian of the kid I'm suppose to kill" He said as he reached for another glass of tequila.

"And what's wrong with that?" I asked him.

"Well aside from she's the mother figure of the Luke, she's also a fallen angel that won't let me near the kid" He narrated, I played with the ice inside my drink.

"Why don't you get close to Kayla, I thought getting girls is your talent" I stated and he just sighed.

"She's not just a girl, apparently she will only show interest to the guy that reached her standard. I tell you the woman is mad" He complained.

"You look like you're having problem about your wife, you're not even married" I joked and he just rolled his eyes.

"Well how about you?" He asked me.

"Alexandria is pretty hard to find" I admitted.

"But everything is under control" I added.

"You're friends with Natalie right?" He asked me.

"No, we're not friends. Why?" I asked back.

"She's Kayla's best friend" He stated and I almost choked on my drink.

"You mean the really nice Kayla that is friends with Natalie is the Kayla you've been complaining about?" I asked in shock. I didn't know a young lady like Kayla will take care of two foster kids.

"Well, yeah" He answered back.

"Natalie may not be my friend but I sure know that Kayla is" I stated.

"I always knew that girl was something else" I muttered to myself.

"I can't believe she's a fallen angel" I exclaimed.

"She's good at blending in with the humans" He said as we took another shot of our drink.

"How did you know she was a fallen angel?" I asked him.

"I don't know how the girl know me but she does, she was friendly at first but when I started peaking interest on Luke she started to freak out and started praying to Jesus" He narrated and I chuckled, if I was human I would've laugh my ass out.

"She's quite handful you know, I wonder if she recognised me too" I said.

"I think she knows that you're a demon" He answered me and I just nodded. We spent the rest of the night drinking and talking about things, we even sound old doing it. Though we are old.

I wasn't excited about the next day because for sure I'll have a headache though it's not throbbing like what mortals experiences but a headache is still a bitch. I woke up 8 in the morning, I'm late for sure. I fixed myself and went to the human world.

The classes was almost half empty on the morning classes because everyone was still hang over. I didn't see any signs of Kayla and Natalie.

"So, Jacob told me you were a good kisser" A flirty Sander said.

"Take a lot practices" I humoured and he chuckled.

"Maybe You can practice with me sometime" He said and winked at me. After that be walked away.

I saw Natalie looking haggard and lacking of sleep. I approached her and she seem to notice me because she flashed her middle finger to me.

"Fuck off, I'm not in the mood" She hissed at me.

"I don't see Kayla beside you" I told her.

"Is that why you're talking to me? because of Kayla?" She asked acting irritated but her voice sounded like she was jealous.

"You're jealous" I stated and she looked at me like she's ready to slap me.

"Can you stop, why are you even trying to befriend me?" She asked me.

You're making this hard for me! please leave me alone, or maybe don't leave me alone. What the hell am I thinking?

She argued in her mind. I smiled and took a step towards her while she took a step back, I trapped her between me and the lockers. My hand was on each side of her head, her breath fastened for some odd reason.

"If there's something you want to tell me, just tell me darling" I whispered dangerously near her ears.

"I-i......I have nothing to confess to you" She said and her voice cracked.

"Is something bothering you Natalie?" I asked her with a confuse look.

"You can tell me about it" I added hesitantly and she tried not to look me straight in the eyes.

"But there's nothing to tell" She said and pushed me and I let her walk away.

What an odd girl she is. Natalie, you never fail to fascinate me.

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