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"Anderson, I am not well. As you can see, am not in the best of health and hence cannot handle all the businesses alone. You and Hansen must take over. Both of you will have equal properties to manage, and you shall start work immediately. However, you have to get married before you can have your inheritance."

"Damn that old man!" Anderson cursed and gulped down his beer.

Two days had passed after that conversation with his father and he still could not bring himself to accept it. Why? Why he? Why could it not have been Hansen, but him?

Damn it, he knew why. His father was punishing him for every bad thing he had done as a child until now. However, this punishment was too severe. He wished his father had frozen his bank account, or denied him from using the private jets. This. Was. Torture. Torture, to the highest degree.

"I can't get married." He said and raked fingers through his golden blonde hair. "I can't get married." He shook his head and felt a panic attack about to kick in.

Anderson rose from the chair, threw a stuck of dollar bills on the table and walked out of the bar. The setting sun turned the whole place orange and beautiful. He approached his jeep, while taking in deep breaths. "I can't get married." He told himself.

All of a sudden, he realized why his father did this to him. Anderson was allergic to relationships and commitments. Yep, that was it. He was allergic to those two things and everybody knew it. Ever since he was a boy, he never attached himself to anyone because he hated the way one had to be caring, sweet and loving. He thought those things were a waste of time and all that crap always made him want to throw up.

Relationships and commitments are for the softies. He always said.

"I hate that old man."

"Whoa, mind your language big guy. That old man is also my father." Hansen said and then Anderson spun around, surprised to see him there.

"What are you doing here? Are you following me?" He snapped.

"Don't you remember? We came here together after father reminded you to get married before he snatched your part of the inheritance away from you." Hansen said and then he remembered.

Whispering something obscene under his breath, he sighed and then added. "So you heard me?"

"Yeah, I did." Hansen said. "I can't get married. I can't get married." He mimicked Anderson's voice and then chuckled.

"Oh you think this is funny?" Now he was upset with his brother. "I have to get married before I get my inheritance while you just get yours on a silver platter."

"No, I did not get mine on a..."

"He didn't ask you to get married!" He yelled and then gained some eyes on them.

Hansen sighed and tapped his brother's shoulder. "Alright so what are you going to do?" He asked.

"I don't know. I might as well just pack my bags and leave, after all nobody wants me here." Anderson replied and then unlocked the jeep.

"Don't even say that as a joke." Hansen said. "You are my brother and I want you here. Most importantly, I want you to get your inheritance." He said and then Anderson shook his head.

"Forget it, am not getting married just for some inheritance."

"Yes, you are and you will." Hansen said. "I will find you a bride."

"No thanks. As for the money, that old man can keep it. I will make my own." Anderson entered the car and started the engine.

Hansen got into the passenger seat. "No, you will get your inheritance. I will get you a bride, even if I have to hire for you an actress, I'll do it and that's a promise." He said and then Anderson drove out of there.


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