Death Is My BFF - katrocks247

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The legendary Angel of Death is in for a rude awakening, when he comes to claim Faith William's soul and finds he's met his match. There are no sparkling heroes in this story, or damsels in distress. For the first time, you will be able to put a face to both Death and the Devil. For the first time, the villain might win.

Title: Death Is My BFF (Book 1 of the rewritten Death Chronicles)

Author: katrocks247

Genre: Romance, supernatural/fantasy

Status: Completed

Rating: A solid 10/10

Hey so, believe it or not, I'm actually not dead. I'm alive and happy to be only reading about death when embodied in a sexy cat-eyed man. Before I start, I will also be talking about Death Is My BFFLAD which is the second book in this rewritten series which is ongoing in sporadic (but worth waiting for) updates. 

So, I'm just going to flat out say I LOVE this book. I will admit to never having read the original version of the series, but strongly encourage those in the same boat to give this version a try. From a quick skim and a little insight from kat herself, I can say for sure that this version is far more polished with differences in plot and character building that make a huge difference.

It is a little mature at times, especially in book 2, which is completely cool and awesome for me, but if you're a little younger I suggest maybe looking elsewhere (or don't, because I mean, that's cool too. I won't judge! ) I will say, however, that the sexier scenes are not poorly written or just pointlessly thrown in there, but rather they really assist in developing characters and progressions in relationship. Plus, the sometimes lewd and inappropriate comments from Death are pretty great if I'm being honest.

Kat does such a great job in creating characters that you don't just feel obliged to like (as I often find when I click on/pick up a book and feel as though I need to like the characters as part of this unspoken contract upon committing to turning the first page.. probably just a weird thing I do.. uhh), but rather she makes me like them. From their funny banter, comments and internal dialogue to the conflict and drama, the characters are so brilliantly formed that you begin to connect and feel for them as if they were real... That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if they actually were real.. OOooh, can I get me a Death in that case?! 

Also, I relate to Faith on a higher level. I hate to be that one saying in the comments of every chapter "OMG that is soooo relatable!", but sadly, this series and Faith have turned me into that girl I swore never to become.

The entire idea of the book is so compelling and is unlike anything I've ever read... Never in my life did I expect to have the hots for the Grim Reaper... I needa go fan myself off, and while I do so I hope you all head on over to Kat's page and give the book a try. I promise you won't regret it.

Ella x

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