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The next days came normal. Just like I said, Brandon never remembered our game of truth or dare. Why? Because he got so drunk on that day that I had to walk him to his room.

Don't worry, nothing happened. Drunk sex isn't and never will be my thing. The rest of the guys were passed out when I left. Darren was sleeping on the carpet.

Gabriel and Vincent were sleeping on the leather sofa. I'm quite impressed with myself that I didn't get drunk but it's a good thing because when I got home, my stepfather was there.

He did smell the beer on me but he didn't care. Today, I'm going to my work at the burger shack. Unlike my usual clothes, I wore my red and white uniform.

When I got there, I noticed a new girl. Maybe she doesn't know me but I do know her. She's from my school and we both have foreign language class.

"Cassidy!" Our manager called me. She's Ms. Lenna, she took me in when I told her that none of my applied jobs are accepting me.

"Am I late?" I asked.

"Don't be silly, you're never late," she laughed. "Anyways, this is Anne, she's new, you know what to do!"

With that, she left me with Anne. Like me, she seemed shy and let me tell you, this girl is known to be a walking math Einstein.

I tried to put out my usual bitchy mode and approached her, "Hey, where were you assigned?"

"Ms. Lenna told me to work as a waitress," she shyly smiled. Good, I can help her take orders.

"Okay, here's a pen and paper. Just approach the tables on the left side, ask them their beverages then come back and take their orders."

Today, there are not many people in the store. Well, who would like burgers and sodas on a winter day? Probably most of them are in Starbucks drinking some hot chocolate.

After a few minutes, an elderly couple entered. The two of them looked familiar but I couldn't tell what their names were, maybe it's just a weird imagination.

Anne approached them with ease. She handed the menus and brought some waters for them. It's like she already works here, she took their orders and gave it to the chef. She didn't need my help at all.

This break, I'm taking the afternoon and night shift for extra money. It's an opportunity so why not take it. Later in the afternoon, a car pulled over the parking lot and I instantly knew who they were.

Darren came in like he has never been in this place. Gabriel and Vincent did the same and they all didn't look at me. Brandon, on the other hand, was just smirking at me.

So I played their game. "Table for none, sir?" I smiled. "Nope, table for four," Gabriel answered.

They all walked in the left side meaning that Anne would be their server. Poor Anne, I thought to myself.

When they all sat down, I told Anne to serve their table and I proceeded with my work. I cleaned the shelves and then, took out the trash since it's getting pretty full. Then, I went and cleaned the bathroom stalls.

"Cassidy, they want you to be their server," Anne whispered. Great! Now I have to face the little idiots. I told them that I don't like it when they interrupt work.

I washed my hands, put my apron and tied my hair. Quickly, I went to their table and assumed their orders. "Four double cheeseburgers with fries and onion rings for Gabriel. Two cokes and two rootbeers?" I asked.

They all laughed since I already know their order. "Vanilla milkshake," Darren added. I thought he couldn't take in dairy?

"We don't have a lactose-free milkshake, Darren," I said.

"Give it to Anne, she looks worn out." You have got to be kidding me. Is that the best he can do? Hitting on a girl with a freaking milkshake?

"Darren, don't add her to your list of women to bang," I warned.

Brandon pulled my elbow, making me lean closer to him and then he whispered, "We're still a customer, you know?"

With that, he released his iron grip and I placed their orders. "Anne, the milkshake is for you, take a break, your first day is pretty tiring," I said.

I waited for their orders to arrive and when I looked at where Anne went, I sighed when the gang gestured for her to join them.

She looked pretty nervous, well, who wouldn't be if the most popular gang tells you to join them in a burger shack?

Anne looked back as if waiting for someone to save her but nothing happened. She walked towards her table and took the seat next to Darren.

They were having conversations and surprisingly, Anne didn't look as uncomfortable as she was moments ago.

Then, John, the chef placed the orders on the counter, ready for me to serve. First, I brought the cheeseburgers on their table, then, I served the rest of their orders.

"Cassidy, what time is your shift ending?" Vincent asked. "Until the closing time," I answered.

"I'll pick you up then," Brandon said. Now, he's actually talking. I nodded and left the table with Anne since her break took long enough.

"Seems like you had fun with them," I told Anne.

"Uhm no, they asked me if I could take your shift tonight." What!? Is that why they flirted with her and asked a favor? Stupid bastards!

"Don't follow them, it's your first day, don't stress."

She patted my shoulder and refused. Why would she want to stay here until ten in the evening? "Okay, my shift in exchange for what?" I asked.

Then she said, "A date with Darren," she blushed. Oh my god! Seriously, does she think Darren's taking an interest in her?

"Anne, you do know what you're getting yourself into, right?" She nodded.

"With Darren, I'm a step closer to Brandon Hunter," she winked before leaving the employees room.

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