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Chapter 11

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At least the next day in the bookstore I'm not hungover, and when Kitty asks if I want to go to yoga with her after work I tell her I'm in. The weather has taken a turn, and it's cold and overcast despite being July, but by the time our yoga class is over I feel warmer and more relaxed. Kitty and I grab a smoothie for our walk home through the drizzling rain.

'So how was last night?' Kitty asks me. 'I'm surprised you're not more hungover. I saw Charlotte this morning and she was in a whole new world of pain and misery.'

I laugh at Kitty's description. 'I went home earlier, actually.'

'Oh, that's good, Jane!' Kitty says.

'Well, actually, it was because I did a line of coke and I kinda freaked out. So I've decided I probably shouldn't touch it again. It just made me feel horrible, Kitty. Like all panicked.'

Kitty takes a big suck from her mango smoothie. 'That doesn't sound good,' she says eventually. 'But I think you're right. Just stick to drinks.'

'Yeah, because alcohol is always so good for you,' I say with a smirk.

Kitty rolls her eyes. 'At least it's legal,' she says.

'True,' I say with a laugh.

As we approach our flat, I look up at the windowsill again, half-expecting to see Harper sitting there, although I know he's at his football tournament all day.

'Have you seen Will today?' Kitty asks me.

'No, actually,' I say.

'Ed says he didn't come home last night,' Kitty says. 'Which is hopefully a good thing. But he should have come home by now. Do you want to watch a movie tonight?'

'Actually, I'm going to bake,' I tell Kitty. 'Ed was kind enough to order a bunch of ingredients for me, but I think he's trying to hint that I need to bake a lot for him.'

Kitty laughs. 'Wow, that is classic Ed. Remember to clock your hours!'

Charlotte and Sylvie are both in our flat, on the sofa, wearing pyjamas, and watching a movie.

'Jane!' Sylvie says. 'I'm glad you're alive.'

'Alive?' Kitty says.

'Well, she had a panic attack and went home,' Sylvie says. 'But you're fine, aren't you Jane?'

'I'm fine,' I say. 'Hope you girls don't mind, I'm about to get the blender out.'

'My headache was just going away,' Charlotte complains.

Kitty drops onto the sofa beside the girls, while I start preparing my ingredients. I want to make two sets of sweets, so I need to plan my time. I check my phone, and realise I've got a text message from Joseph. My tummy does that little leap when I see it, and I grit my teeth. I shouldn't really be feeling that feeling to see a text message from Joseph.

"heyyyy im in LDN in 2 wks, wanna c me?"

"Hey! What dates are you here?" I reply. I get out the blender and start blending together my ingredients for one cake that I'm making, while trying to work out in my head how to juggle my time.

'Oh god, I thought I was mentally prepared for the blender, but I was not,' Charlotte says, clutching her head. 'I think this is the worst hangover I've ever had.'

'Do you want tea, doll?' Kitty asks.

'Can you make that green rose tea?' Charlotte says.

Kitty and I dance around each other in the kitchen as she prepares tea and I continue to mix. When my phone dings I wipe my hands and pick it up to another text message from Joseph.

"1st wknd in august."

I reply with, "I'll be around! Shall we grab a drink?"

'Jane, do you want tea too?' Kitty asks me.

'I'll never say no to tea,' I say. 'Unless there's coffee.'

As Kitty's pouring tea, Ed lets himself into our flat. 'Hey, Kit,' he says, while barely acknowledging the rest of us. 'You said you'd help me with those budgets.'

'What, now?' Kitty says.

'Yeah. Come on, there's no one in my flat, we can work in there,' Ed says.

'Fine, I'm coming,' Kitty says. 'Girls, tea's brewing here.'

My phone dings again, so again I wipe my hands and pick it up, to find another text message from Joseph.

"u can come to my show."

I bite my lip, wondering if I really want to go down this road. Dating Joseph was a mistake, and not just because I already had a boyfriend when I dated him. And the whole point of this summer is to work on me, without allowing boys into the mix. But I remember the familiarity of being in Joseph's arms, and the comfort it brought, and I wonder if it wouldn't be so bad to allow the friends-with-benefits situation to blossom. I'm about to text Joseph back when the door to the flat opens again. I expect Ed and Kitty, but it's Will.

'Can I join the hangover club?' Will says. He's clutching his pillow to his chest. 'Kitty and Ed are being too loud.'

'Writing up budgets?' I say, laughing.

Will shrugs. 'What are you guys watching?'

'Clueless,' Charlotte says. 'Come on in, babes.'

Will collapses on the sofa besides the girls.

'So where did you go last night, Will?' I ask cheekily, brandishing my wooden spoon.

'I don't want to talk about it,' Will says gruffly.

'Oh, alright. Well, do you want a tea?'


I take the tea over to the three of them and continue baking, while wondering what it is that Will doesn't want us to know about his night out.

'Jane, a few of my friends from Belgium are coming to London, not next weekend, but the one after. We were thinking we'd have a girls weekend. Do you want to join us?' Charlotte asks.

'The first weekend in August?' I ask.

Charlotte checks her phone and then says, 'Yeah, that's the one.'

'Are these your model friends?' Sylvie asks. She's lying horizontally on the sofa now, with her head in Charlotte's lap.

'They're not all models,' Charlotte says.

'They're massive coke heads,' Sylvie says. 'I remember that two-day bender we had with them and Matt and George.'

I bite my lip. 'I might give it a miss,' I say. 'I'll leave you guys to it.'

I look down at my phone again, and send another text to Joseph. "Sure, would love to come to your show!" I write.

Author's Note

Question of the chapter... what's your Hogwarts House?

xx Elle

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