Arc 3.11

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"That bitch! I'll fucking kill her. Tell me where she lives," Min-Yung stood and begun to pace. Sang-Hee seemed to be just as pissed off since she considered both Min-Yung and Jae-Hwa a part of her family now. 

"We've already got our Uncle to handle the case. She won't be able to take such a flimsy case to court," Jung-Hwan explained to try and appease his angry future sister-in-law.

"That's obviously not the point here! This bitch would've ruined my brother and she thinks she can just live a peaceful life? Hell with that!"

"Babe, it's okay. Brother-in-law is fine," Sang-Hee said as she walked up behind the pacing Min-Yung. 

Min-Yung stumbled in her footsteps at the 'brother-in-law comment and Sang-Hee caught her. She blushed furiously and gave Sang-Hee a light punch as she whispered her complaints.

"You've been wanting to say that for a while huh," Jae-Hwa asked Sang-Hee as he chuckled into his hand. 

Sang-Hee gave him a sly grin which showed her canine, giving her a slightly devilish look. Jung-Hwan scooted closer to Jae-Hwa and held his hand as Sang-Ki's hand rubbed circles into his thigh.

"Stop harassing my brother in front of me just because my f-f-f-fiancee distracted me," Min-Yung stuttered over her words. Sang-Hee wrapped both arms around Min-Yung's waist and settled her chin on top of the other woman's head while having a cheesy smile on her face.

"That's no fair. You get to act all lovey-dovey. We want to as well," Sang-Ki pouted his indignance. 

"You-! Jae-Hwa, are you sure you truly love these bastards," Min-Yung questioned her cute little brother. Jae-Hwa flushed in embarrassment as she brought up 'love' again and simply gave a slight nod.

"Fine!" Min-Yung flung her hands into the air. 

"Umm, I also wanted to discuss something with you," Min-Yung spoke up when his sister finally calmed down. 

"Hmm? What is it?"

"I have the money to pay off the loan," he responded.

She gave the twins suspicious looks and asked, "You didn't happen to get this money by coercion right?"

"Absolutely not! I did it legally and without the help of someone else," he defended.

"That's a lot of money. Why didn't you say anything before this?"

"I didn't want to hand it over until I collected the entire amount. Can I transfer it to your account now? I was going to do it before but I was worried you'd question where you got it from and then cause a ruckus at the bank," Jae-Hwa explained. 

"You seriously have that much money?"

"Yes. I also have enough to also buy us an actual house."

Min-Yung seemed to be shocked and once she processed everything, began to cry. Jae-Hwa moved away from the reluctant twins and moved towards her sister. 

She hugged him close and began crying as he rubbed her back. 

"I'm such a bad sister. You had to pay back the loan and I didn't do anything at all."

"That's not true, sister. You're the one who sacrificed a lot in order to take me out of the orphanage. You did a lot for my sake. I'm really glad that I have a sister like you. This is the only way I can repay you," Jae-Hwa comforted his sister. 

The three extra people within the room sat a bit awkwardly since it was a sibling moment and they were just the lovers in this sort of situation. However, it did make them give slight smiles at how close these two siblings were. 

"Enough of this depressing talk. I'll go make some lunch for us," Min-Yung said as she stood and wiped the tears from her face. 

Jae-Hwa stood as well and made to walk to the kitchen but Jung-Hwan grabbed his hand as he stepped close to the couch. He looked down at the other man and noticed those gold eyes staring intently back at him.

"Let Sang-Hee to help your sister," he said as he pulled Jae-Hwa into his lap. Sang-Hee grinned mischievously as she sped her way into the kitchen to help her fiance. 

"That's rude, you know?"

"She was going to go anyways. Plus, it is difficult for us lovers to get in the way of your siblings relationship. It is easier to kidnap you to sit on my lap than tell you not to go and help your sister."

Sang-Ki fell back on to the couch and scooted closer to his sibling in order to sit closer to Jae-Hwa.

"I want to find a place for us to call home. Min-Yung has done enough for me to last a lifetime; I wish to also support her in whatever she wants to do. I feel like she merely opened the Tattoo Shop because I wanted to do it after I graduated from college."

"If you want to have her go back and study for her true passion, we will come work in your shop and it can be a family shop," Sang-Ki said as he ran his hand up and down Jae-Hwa's leg. 

"It'll be difficult to convince her. Anyways, let's look for a house for sale," Jae-Hwa said as he shook the men off and went to his room to grab a laptop. When he came back into the living room, Sang-Ki had his legs kicked up over the arm of the couch and his head on Jung-Hwan's lap; Jung-Hwan sat with his legs slightly parted and leaned back against the back of the couch. 

Jung-Hwan patted the spot between his legs for Jae-Hwa to sit down. He rolled his eyes before sitting in the offered spot and pulling up the search engine to look for affordable housing near them. 

Jae-Hwa wanted it to be a 'home'. It didn't matter about the size as long as it gave them a sense of being home. Min-Yung called them for lunch just as Jae-Hwa found what he was looking for. There was a form to fill out and a number that he could call; he filled everything out and saved the number in his cellphone before sitting at the table. 

Both men sat on either side of him and asked him if he found what he was looking for. 

"Yes. I'm sure sister will be surprised," Jae-Hwa said with a brilliant smile. His sister was setting the food on the table and Jae-Hwa finished one last thing before shutting the laptop. 

Min-Yung's phone made a chiming noise and she pulled it out and checked the notification. Her eyes enlarged as she looked over at Jae-Hwa in shock.

"Oh my God, I've never seen this many zeros before," she breathed heavily. 

Jae-Hwa had given her an extra twenty thousand for herself, outside of the loan money. He gave her a slight smile before piling food on his plate. 

He could only hope that when she sees the house he planned on buying, that she will be happy as well. 

A/N: This chapter is a bit short but the middle of writing this chapter someone came into my room and completely trashed my train of thought. It threw me off.. my apologies. Hope you enjoyed anyways.

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