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Peregrine Peerless- He is considered a genius of many talents and serves in the palace as chief aide. Well respected in the nation as a descendant of founder Hoarfrost. Favored by the queen mother.

Faida Peerless- General's daughter. Peregrine's wife. She was a former bodyguard of the queen and is skilled in martial arts. Outdoors woman.

Adolphus Peerless- Peregrine and Faida's son. Hoopoe's husband. Exceptional with deduction. Energetic and kind and helpful to people. Serves as Judge and runs Investigation Bureau. Around 33 years old. Obsessive compulsive.

Akosua Peerless- Faida and Peregrine's daughter. Talented in sewing and embroidery, she owns Truth Embroidery House. Though she puts on a smile for her pupils she carries a morbid and melancholy disposition.

Duchess Hoopoe Peerless- Adolph's wife. She wants to be a royal investigator and is exceptionally beautiful and skilled with great attention to detail. Plays the lyre and sings well. Helps Adolph investigate.

Tyto Peerless- Peregrine's imposing younger brother. Governor of Hoarfrost County. Married to Rose-White. Father of Doe.

Princess Rose-White- Tyto's wife. Doe's stepmother. A foreign princess. She keeps to herself unless she must fulfill a duty. Good hearted person.

Princess Doe- The headstrong child of Tyto and Rose-White. She can often behave in a stubborn and spoiled manner.

Prince Kim Seo-Jun- The nephew of Bak Hayoon. A well-read young man of promise that lies low in the palace. He was made crown prince by the late king Choi Yoon-Su. Said to be meek and humble.

Prince Choi Yoon-Gi- Bak Hayoon's younger son.

Bak Hayoon- Queen mother. Powerful and controlling of her family with an unpredictable personality. Fond of Peerless. She desires the throne and goes to great lengths to establish her power in the kingdom. She is in constant battles with her mother.

Queen Moon Hwa-Sook- Mother of Bak Hayoon. Cunning and dangerous.

Prince Rim- Doe's Son being raised by Queen Moon.

Sasha Roamer- A sneaky man without family. Greatly disliked by Adolph.

Teddy Duck-Toller- Friend of Adolph Peerless. Circuit rider. Though he tries not to meddle in investigations he is often drawn in by his company. At times a bit sassy, he is a steadfast friend, often offering good advice.

Prince Gao Sue-Eden- Member of Sue-Eden clan. A prestigious royal family of merchants and generals. Works in Royal City as secretary of revenue and takes matters very seriously.

Prince Wang Sue-Eden- Gao's father. An aggressive man owning many plantations. Full of ambition with a vile temper. Family is the head of Merchant Bureau.

Marquess Olasuspo Obi- Vice Primer. Wealthy man with three children. Large is size. Powerful and respected for his merits. in the country.

Marchioness Obi- renowned for her meekness and quick to hush a rumor. Aware of how the powers play.

Tomiwa Obi- Chief of surveillance. Son of the vice primer. Cold personality. Known to be very ambitious. He wants to change the government.

John-Paul-Obi Eldest son of Olasupo. A well-respected captain and humble man.

John-Ann Obi- Wife of John-Paul Obi. The daughter of an admiral. Proud and often insensitive but deeply caring for her husband and children.

Princess Kailyete Layland- A friend of Hoopoe. Father sits on Agriculture Bureau. Founded Princess Hazel Foundling Home. Widely known as a very generous woman and loves writing.

Rowan Tigris Royal Coroner. Often swift about his job...too swift for some.

Duke Delta Goldenone- Hoopoe's father. Lives in Deciduous County Windmill Terrace. Retired due to health. Former secretary of revenue.

Count Retba –secretary of foreign affairs. Short man. Always scheming and looking to bring others down.

Princess Hazel Layland- Kailyete's older sister in exile.

Moses Bronzefinch secretary of war. Family is the head of Education Bureau. Has ten children.

Naomi Night- Hoopoe's mute maid. A witty girl that likes helping solve mysteries, she has a happy disposition with concern for others. She plays the pipa.

Princess Nan- Wang Sue-Eden's daughter. A tall young woman with fine bearing and natural leadership. 

Princess Maniuak Layland- A very friendly and naive girl. One of Kailyete's cousins. She likes to read animal books.  

Court Lady Ma-  Queen Bak Hayoon's right hand woman. A servant in the palace of high regard.

Josiah Brook- Crown prince's manservant


There are a number of characters in this story. Some are more important than others. I hope this list will serve as an aid for you if you have trouble keeping such things in this palace/ political/ crime drama straight. Thank you for reading  Peerless.

"Peerless" All works copyright Carpathia. HRH Carpathia. This novel is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons or places is entirely coincidental. 

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